Tim Allen Goes on ‘The View’ – IOTW Report

Tim Allen Goes on ‘The View’

Conservative Tim Allen Goes on ‘The View’ and Shreds Political Correctness Like a Boss.

Pro-Trump comedian Tim Allen appeared on Monday on ABC’s “The View” — and discussed the dangers of political correctness, especially in comedy.

Allen told the ladies of “The View” that he was disgusted by the “thought police” and how he has to tone down his comedy these days depending on the audience — and who may or may not be offended.

“What I got to do sometimes is explain, which I hate, in big arenas, that this is a ‘thought police’ thing, and I do not like it,” said Allen.

“But when I use these words, this is my intent behind those words.”

He correctly stated that even when people understand his “intent,” he still hears the same old criticism: “‘Well, just don’t say it.’” more here

11 Comments on Tim Allen Goes on ‘The View’

  1. He was just Ok. I get the feeling ole Tim Allen has been sipping leftist Kool Aid. He was not shouted down or interrogated by those harpies like real conservatives who make the mistake of appearing on that horror show. Tim may be a NeverTrumper or has corporate pals at ABC, Very suspect.


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