Tim Cook, Eric Schmidt, Jeff Bezos Praise Trump Admin After White House Tech Meeting – IOTW Report

Tim Cook, Eric Schmidt, Jeff Bezos Praise Trump Admin After White House Tech Meeting


Some of the top CEO’s of technology companies in America met with Donald Trump at the White House on Monday, praising him for hosting an afternoon summit on important tech issues.

“I’m absolutely convinced that during your administration there is going to be a huge explosion of new opportunities because of the platforms that are getting built in our industry,” Schmidt said to Trump after the meeting, as over a dozen CEOs went around the table to make comments after the meeting.

Schmidt said that the combination of entrepreneurs, skilled workers, and immigration would provide “huge” growth in the American economy.

SNIP:  They still beg for open borders and guest workers.  They never change, do they? 

“It’s going to happen soon during your leadership,” he predicted.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said he was pleased that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka Trump were bringing technology companies together in the Trump administration to help streamline government.

“The U.S. should have the most modern government in the world, and today it doesn’t,” he said, predicting that the tech innovations made in the Trump administration would pay back immensely in the future.

Cook also offered advice to Trump, suggesting that the federal government needs to be more focused on the people, which was not how it currently operated.

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SNIP: By next week, they’ll be calling for President Trump’s impeachment. *eyeroll*

11 Comments on Tim Cook, Eric Schmidt, Jeff Bezos Praise Trump Admin After White House Tech Meeting

  1. “By next week, they’ll be calling for President Trump’s impeachment. *eyeroll*”

    Unfortunately you are correct. However they wouldn’t have said it if they weren’t impressed. They’re self made men and pretty independent. Not to mention filthy rich. The problem is they got filthy rich by being globalists.

  2. That terrible cynic in me thought, “Of course! Of course they’re praising Trump’s involving them in upgrading THE DEEPEST POCKET IN THE WORLD — the U.S. Federal Gov’t IT budget.” At the break they all found a quiet corner in which to issue orders to their CFO’s to get working on how their winning contract is going to affect share price.

  3. Next Jerry Clown Brown will be begging to meet with Trump, telling him what an administration he is running. Then he’ll slip in that California really needs a Trillion dollar infusion to keep things running over there. Then if he got the money in hand, he would be back to calling for Trump’s impeachment too

  4. Will
    Your anger is misdirected. You should be angry at the assholes that passed the legislation that enabled these guys, and guys like them, to succeed at our expense. Which would be every President since Reagan. And almost every law maker since Reagan. That’s why TRUMP.

  5. How many times has “modernizing” the gov’t been a complete waste of money. There was just a report about how obamas electronic hospital record keeping plan was a fiasco. Remember the 2000 tech boom? Peoplesoft and Oracle? How many computer systems were complete disasters?

  6. In order for this to have a chance at ALL, Trump’s people need to completely gut all agencies of former obama- and progressive-friendly inside operators. See what they just did to the unmasking docs at NSA this week?

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