Tim Kaine: Ban 15-Round ‘Clips,’ Hold Gun Dealers Liable for Misuse of Firearms – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine: Ban 15-Round ‘Clips,’ Hold Gun Dealers Liable for Misuse of Firearms

Breitbart: On July 22 Hillary Clinton announced Tim Kaine as her running mate. Kaine is a Democrat Senator from Virginia who supports a ban on 15-round “clips” and “assault weapons,” and who wants to enact a law to hold gun dealers liable for the misuse of firearms.

During the June 26 airing of Meet the Press, Kaine told Chuck Todd that he voted for an “assault weapons” ban before and “would likely vote for it again.” But he stressed that he believes “limitations on the size of magazines and ammunition clips” is the first step to take.

Todd asked Kaine if he believes the sale of AR-15 rifles ought to be illegal, and Kaine offered no direct answer, Instead, he suggested the problem with banning certain rifles is that the ban can be circumvented. READ MORE

29 Comments on Tim Kaine: Ban 15-Round ‘Clips,’ Hold Gun Dealers Liable for Misuse of Firearms

  1. “gun manufacturers just make one adjustment or two and they say, “See, this isn’t subject to the limitation.””

    Yep, already have them for Cali. No pistol grip, no Flash Suppressor (don’t they look menacing), and no adjustable stock.

  2. What a super supreme douch nozzle. The slippery slope this illogic would generate could take down the judicial system with the precedent it would set.

    This guy is not fit to hold public office.

  3. While we’re at it, we may as well prosecute distillers, brewers, bartenders and host(esse)s for drunk-driving fatailities.

    Because it takes a village–no such thing as personal responsibility.

  4. The stupid in these people is monumental. Astounding in its scope and magnitude. Beggars the mind these people have the intellectual horse power to shove food in their pie holes and not defecate themselves while upright and clothed.

    Political agenda only goes so far in excusing what comes forth from their mouths. This is cretinism run amok.

  5. @Rib Yowsa! That was an involuntary glitch that she amazingly recovered from. It was well beyond a gaffaw or some motion to look shocked at what she was seeing on the iPhone. She’s not a healthy woman, not including her black heart, but they’ll hide those records too.

  6. By such imbecilic maunderings he has proven himself to be anti-Constitutional, at best, and a traitor, at worst. He is unfit to hold national office and incapable of upholding his oath of office.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Ban 15 round clips? No problem, I’ve never heard of one existing.

    But, this guy just needs to be committed. We need to re-open the asylums, round these mentally deficient “people” up and lock them away for their own good and the protection of society at large.

  8. I guess I’m safe for now, I have a high capacity magazine so the idea of a clip being limited doesn’t effect me. Although we all know what he means he also proves these stupid dipshits don’t know what they’re talking about.

  9. Can this guy see planet earth from where he is?
    I have a C02 pellet rifle with an open, folding stock that looks wicked…like their ‘assault rifles’! Foxes and feral cats after my chickens fear and revere it!!
    There are NO automatic weapons owned or purchased legally by citizens, unless they sell their firstborn for the permit!!
    Infinitely more screening, background checks and exposing yourself to God Know What absurdities at the hands of federal agencies to legally own an automatic ‘assault’ rifle than there is to run for president…or vice president!

  10. And quite frankly, in an ‘active shooter’ situation where SWAT teams are ordered to stand down for hours while an insane killer reloads, posts selfies, Googles crap and makes half a dozen phone calls….well, what do smaller capacity ‘clips’ (idiots) do other than irritate a killer by having to reload more and hit less FB posts?

  11. There is no such thing as a 15 round clip. I have a weapon or two that takes a ten round clip or less. The ignorance these libtards expunge is monumental. I am glad I have magazines for my other weapons…

  12. Tsquared, We’ll overlook that they’re actually magazines – calling them clips is for the uninitiated and ignorant morons trying to ban them.

    My Glock has 15 round mags. Many other guns do too.

    You are really out of your knowledge base on this subject.

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