Tim Kaine, “Friend of Israel,” Led Boycott of Bibi’s Speech, Voted for Iran Deal – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine, “Friend of Israel,” Led Boycott of Bibi’s Speech, Voted for Iran Deal

TammyBruce: Hillary’s VP choice, Tim Kaine, is being touted by Dems as a “moderate” and as “pro-Israel,” even though he supported the Iran Nuke Deal, and he also supports a “Palestinian” state.

But on the plus side, while he was Governor of Virginia, the largest hummus factory in the world was opened by Sabra Foods, near Richmond.

So, Kaine is probably full of hummus.

Or something.

Via Jewish Press.

When Hillary Clinton’s choice for VP, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, joined the Democrats who avoided Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s March 2015 speech to a joint session of Congress, he announced: “There is no reason to schedule this speech before Israeli voters go to the polls on March 17 and choose their own leadership.” Revealing that he had labored to delay the Netanyahu appearance, Kaine said, “I am disappointed that, as of now, the speech has not been postponed. For this reason, I will not attend the speech.”   MORE

6 Comments on Tim Kaine, “Friend of Israel,” Led Boycott of Bibi’s Speech, Voted for Iran Deal

  1. Kaine is beneath contempt if he can’t recognize that Bawwy is unfit to shine Bibi’s shoes.

    And Fatty Pantsuit still looks like an evil witch in that $12,000 jacket.

  2. Cankles Clinton and her Cartel need to go down… she will try to steal votes and I hope they are watching, raid her location, and haul the bitch away….throw her in the middle of a man’s prison and tell the inmates she lurvs her boobies played with…

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