Tim Kaine says Hillary should face consequences for mishandling classified information. – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine says Hillary should face consequences for mishandling classified information.

Tim Kaine: “I can’t take classified information I get as a senator and give it to somebody with no consequence”.


h/t Doc.

Also, remember when Kaine said that any politician who lies to the public should resign? He was referring to the husband of Hillary’s top aide – Anthony weiner.

Will Kaine hold Hillary to the same standard?

I didn’t think so.

That makes him a hypocrite.

9 Comments on Tim Kaine says Hillary should face consequences for mishandling classified information.

  1. Uh-oh. An “Internet video.”

    Somebody is going to jail in 0bama’s America over this!!!

    I mean, look at what happened to the maker of the Benghazi “video” and at poor old Dinesh Desouza.

    Oh, how I yearn to be a “nation of laws” again!!!!1111


    I’ve just commanded my erstwhile houseboy, Christopher, to go downstairs to the storage unit and bring up my stash of DNC popcorn a day early.

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