Tim Kaine’s Catholic morality at odds with some public actions – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine’s Catholic morality at odds with some public actions

NBP: U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running mate, frequently references his Roman Catholic faith as a driving force in his career. A closer look, however, reveals a politician who has at times chosen the Democratic Party line over the teachings of the Church, particularly on issues of abortion and same-sex marriage.

The Boston Globe reported that the Harvard Law graduate and former civil rights attorney his passion for social justice developed during his year spent working with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Honduras. But although his advocacy for Virginia’s underserved communities no doubt echoes the Church’s mission, his other political stances are less in sync with Catholic doctrine.

Kaine stated that he is personally morally opposed to abortion, and as Virginia governor authorized the sale of “Choose Life” license plates to fund religious counseling clinics that discouraged abortion and backed Virginia’s “informed consent” law, which requires women seeking the procedure to undergo medically unnecessary ultrasounds, according to the Washington Post.

Yet, Kaine has a 100 percent rating from Planned Parenthood, and has publicly affirmed his support for Roe v. Wade decision, the 1973 Suprme Court decision that guaranteed the legal right to an abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy.   more

12 Comments on Tim Kaine’s Catholic morality at odds with some public actions

  1. “Tim Kaine’s Catholic morality at odds with some public actions”
    Sounds like an endorsement from Nancy Pelosi.

    Just name one time morality stopped a liberal. One; anyone? Hello?

  2. Years ago a letter to the Editor in his local newspaper called out Joe Biden for the hypocrite that he is, when he claimed to be a good Catholic who believes in the right to have an abortion.

    The writer stated (quite correctly) that being Catholic is NOT like choosing from an a la carte menu. You either believe in ALL Catholic dogma or you’re NOT Catholic.

    Feel free to apply this concept to all the supposed Christian politicians out there.

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