Tim Kaine’s Long, Deep Relationship With Radical Islam – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine’s Long, Deep Relationship With Radical Islam

Oh dear, this looks bad.

FederalistPapers: We all know that Democrats have some pretty nefarious political connections … but for Heaven’s sake, why did Hillary have to pick someone with such deep Islamist connections as Tim Kaine?

The Virginia senator has a long history of embracing radical Islam.
He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission, once spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist suspect and has received many donations from well-known Islamist groups.

Back in 2007, Breitbart reports, then-Governor Kaine chose Muslim American Society (MAS) President Esam Omeish to the state’s Immigration Commission. It was an appointment so controversial that even a Muslim group against radical Islam criticized the appointment and lack of vetting.

In 2008, federal court filings found that MAS was “founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.”   MORE

21 Comments on Tim Kaine’s Long, Deep Relationship With Radical Islam

  1. We all know that Democrats have some pretty nefarious political connections … but for Heaven’s sake, why did Hillary have to pick someone with such deep Islamist connections as Tim Kaine?

    For all of the deep-detail vetting done by Clinton camp, I’d have to say that this is rather viewed as a positive on his resume.

  2. This shouldn’t surprise anyone. She is pandering to her moslem mega donors and doesn’t give a shit about the elections. Obama has told her that she can take his place after he’s done and he will deliver using his old Chicago politics.

    The only fly in the ointment (or on his nose) is that the rules are changing. The zombie Democrat voters are beginning to doubt. The D voting fraud may not be enough anymore. A trunk-load or two of fake ballots (like the Al Franken stolen election) may not be enough anymore.

    At least, that’s my prayer.

  3. We know that garbage aligns itself with garbage.
    This nefarious destructive cabal needs to be vaporized.

    I am a peanut in the grand scheme of things & by nature I am not a prayerful person but that is changing.

    If anyone reading this will please set aside 5 to 10 minutes a day and pray for people to open their minds to goodness it would make a difference. I implore you to pray for Trump, Pence and their families….they are standing up against VERY dark forces.

    I keep seeing this:


  4. I think this picture would have made a better Caption This contest.

    From “RAWR I’m a T-Rex” to unlimited cat-themed references.


    Is anyone actually surprised? Document and organize all these kind of things for future reference. There’s so so much they do and it needs to be laid out as undeniable facts when needed.

    They steam roll right over everyone with the sheer volume of injury against the people.

  5. Don’t forget, Hillary said Moslems “have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”

    Like Obama’s Biden, Timmy-the-short-bus-rider is the perfect life insurance policy for the Bitch of Benghazi.

    Will the last Christian leaving America please turn out the lights. 🙁

  6. I cannot wait until the debates
    The Donald has good researchers. He will rile her up with facts so bad she will go full fishwife on TV, and all he has to do
    Then at the second debate she will play the butt-hurt Grandma and talk all softly and reproachfully.

  7. Bitch of Beghazi has a nice ring to it Ann.

    I think this is great. Just more fodder for when Trump takes a baseball bat to these two.

    I’ll be surprised if there are Presidential debates. She’ll figure out a way to avoid the humiliation and the MSM will cover for her if she hasn’t already resigned for health reasons by October.

  8. As a way to encourage healing, President Trump will offer the Libyan Ambassadorship to Timmy Kaine.

    And he’ll jump on it, because, “…all that Benghazi nonsense was just a Republican witch hunt.”

  9. Pray for goodness and truth to prevail – pray often and pray fervently, even if you don’t think you know how or only sort of believe in it’s power. Pray for freedom and our country as if your life depended upon it because it does – we are in the trenches and there are no atheists in the trenches.

  10. If American negroes weren’t getting’ so electorally uppity, everything would still be fine. But once you start threatenin’ massas with rebellion – well, you need to be replaced BEFORE things go sideways.

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