@Paul Sperry_
More apocrypha from “Knucklehead” Tim Walz: “Look, I got a 17-year-old, and he witnessed a shooting at a community center playing volleyball. Those things don’t leave you.” In fact, police records show the shooting occurred OUTSIDE the rec center and his son never “witnessed” it.

We knew this was coming the second that whopper dropped out of his mouth. Leftists—I mean, the ones who aren’t childless cat ladies—always use their own children as props for their political agendas.
Anything these commies say is a lie. Only mentally deficient people would believe.
Walz needs a guardian.
I don’t think I’m too swift and I’m very trusting and sympathetic. But as soon as he said that I thought, “bullshit!”
And JD was compassionate in his response. Didn’t take the bait
Knuckles are useful. Can we call him a vermiformappendixhead instead?
Even Lassie (she/he) wouldn’t save tampon timmmy if he fell into an abandoned well. Lassie would probably go and recruit all of her dog friends to help her backfill the well with dirt and bury timmy permanently. And the real Timmy’s dad Mr. Martin would be the supervisor. After uncle Petrie shoots tampon timmy (because he’s righteously pissed) first and then after poor mr. tampon is shot, they’ll shovel and shut up. Go Lassie go, we know that you can do it.
erb, JD very deftly bookmarked that comment by expressing sympathy which would be noted after the debate. And his sympathy was sincere, even if Walz’s anecdote was not. I think Walz came in there nervous and ready to hit Vance with a blizzard of factoids and tall tales, and Vance completely disarmed him withdeep knowledge and gentle jiu jitsu.
The conventional wisdom is that Trump/Vance polls poorly with women in general, but any women who on the fence and watched that debate had to be impressed by JD Vance’s masterful performance.
I remember the night, and the Knucklehead Walz,
Now I know just how badly he lost,
Yes, he lost it pretty quickly, when he started lying,
The mendacious Knucklehead Walz.
What tune should the Knucklehead Waltz be set to? Maybe it could be Waltzing (with tampons for boys) across Minnesota with you, apologies to Ernest Tubb’s Waltzing across Texas with you. It needs to be something sarcastic and snarky on the order of Der Fuhrer’s Face by Spike Jones.
I also knew that he was lying. I really enjoyed the fact that Vance poured on the sympathy. He totally buried the idiot. His sympathy will be remembered long after Walz is just a sorry footnote in history.
I’m impressed with Vance even though I was a bit of a skeptic when Trump chose him. Glad he proved me wrong!
Surprised Tampon Tim didn’t claim that his son was the one who stood in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square.
JD Vance is the real deal, tampon timmy on the other hand is nothing but a heel and a Schlemiel. And a shit heel at that.
Any of you, old farts like me remember The Paul Winchell show from the late 50’s with his ventriloquist dummies Jerry Mahoney and Knucklehead Smiff as well as Mortimer Snerd Edgar Bergen’s ventriloquist dummy. They’re all smarter and funnier than tampon timmy combined.
I’m betting Tampon Tim named his son Beau …..
Moderately retarded.
Don’t worry, Ol’ Tim is still friends with the guy doing the shooting. A bit of aggravated assault shouldn’t come between bros.
Am I the only one that sees Marshall Herff Applewhite Jr. of the Heaven’s Gate death cult when you look at Tampon Tim? I can almost hear the mother ship.
Yes, Chalupa. I too see that face. 😀
“Capon Tim” as a descriptive moniker, a capon is a castrated male chicken.
Vice President Knucklehead Smiff – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAGCsCQuoCQ