Tim Walz Falsely Claimed He Was Named ‘Outstanding Young Nebraskan’ – IOTW Report

Tim Walz Falsely Claimed He Was Named ‘Outstanding Young Nebraskan’

GP: Kamala Harris’ vice presidential running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) was caught in another misrepresentation during his 2006 run for Congress, Alpha News reported Friday.

Walz, who was born and raised in Nebraska and enlisted in the Nebraska National Guard at seventeen, falsely claimed he had been named “Outstanding Young Nebraskan” by the Nebraska Chamber of Congress. After the chamber’s president sent a scathing letter to the Walz campaign a few days before the 2006 election, the campaign blamed a typographical error and claimed the award actually came from the Nebraska Junior Chamber of Commerce: read more

16 Comments on Tim Walz Falsely Claimed He Was Named ‘Outstanding Young Nebraskan’

  1. Ya know…. this is starting to shape up to be like 2008, with a Constitution-stomping, Bullgarian-speaking, unaccomplished, incompetent boob running on the color of his skin and an inveterate Liar for VP.

    The only difference this time around is that we have a Constitution-stomping, Bullgarian-speaking, unaccomplished, incompetent, idiot with two boobs!

  2. “… another misrepresentation …”
    “… another deliberate fukkin lie …”

    Fixed it for ya

    How can a typographical error make “Nebraska Junior Chamber of Commerce” into “Nebraska Chamber of Congress(?)” Missed quite a few keys, not just one or two.

    Yu bees weckum an shit, yo!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The bigger the lie, the greater the media coverage and greater name recognition.

    Lies, embellishments, DUI, deceit and deception were known by Harris prior to selection of Walz being the Vice Presidential Democrat candidate.

    I wonder if those character flaws were actually used as selection criteria of the VP ???

    If the media concentrates on Walz, they’re not looking at Harris’s lack of knowledge, experience, her incompetency, mental acuity or her failed record in San Francisco and her voting record as US Senator, Vice President and her NON-action as Border Czar since she was appointed by Biden.

    Walz is the Media’s focal point, leaving Harris even more time before she holds a press Conference.

    I suspect the cadre prepping of Harris to face the In-the-Pocket, softball, FIRST News Conference have concluded in frustration, throwing up their hands, “You just can’t fix Stupid”.

  4. The definition of a pathological liar is someone who lies when telling the truth is easier. This punk is only surpassed by the likes of Joe Biden and one William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.

  5. richard – now you’ve triggered me…
    Bill Clinton was a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, girl-friend beating rapist, masturbating cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving pedophile, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence peddaling Pants-Dropper-and-Thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas outhouse and introduced the term “blow-job” into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper while traveling around the world personally cashing in on selling our nation’s secrets and indeed the Presidency of the United States of America! Along with Travelgate, Whitewater, Castle Grande, Madison Guarantee, Cattle Futures, or Pardons for criminals, under the table ChiCom cash, Charlie Trie, the Riadies, Rich, Sandy (the thief) Berger, having an administration with the most convictions and guilty pleas, a Cabinet full of officials under criminal investigations and, oh yeah, getting a blow job from a barely legal intern in the Oval Office, his dishonesty is only exceeded by his unbridled greed and lust for power and that goes double for his criminal business partner that he calls a wife!

  6. well he’s SUPPOSED to lie; it’s a job requirement so he has trouble figuring out whether the situation requires a lie or not. and the media’s job is to not say anything and call anyone who points out a lie, a homophobe

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