Tim Walz: “One Person’s Socialism is Another Person’s Neighborliness” – IOTW Report

Tim Walz: “One Person’s Socialism is Another Person’s Neighborliness”

Walz is a dangerous Socialist just like Kamala Harris.

22 Comments on Tim Walz: “One Person’s Socialism is Another Person’s Neighborliness”

  1. 9th “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.”

    10TH “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

    In case there was some question of how neighbors are to be treated. Nowhere is taxing your neighbor into poverty recommended

  2. And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, for your viewing pleasure, and nancing his way across the floor while singing,

    “What’s Mine Is Mine And What’s Yours Is Negotiable”

    …we present Sṑciălist Tim Walz!

    (Oooooo! He fell down, Ladies and Gentlemen!)

  3. He sure as hell isn’t a Hubert Humphrey or a Walter Mondale, he’s far worse and is a commie and a muzzie sympathizer. As well as being guilty of possible stolen valor with his military service. We all know what happened to Humphrey and Mondale, they both lost to the law-and-order presidential candidates Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Now let’s try for a trifecta and get rid of rid of Walz and Harris as well, they both suck especially Kamala.

  4. ‘Socialism is about helping one another.’
    No, caring about others leads you to help them. Capitalism enables us to maximize productivity, which means we can help others even more. Socialism means government controls everything, leading to loss of innovation, loss of production, graft and corruption as evil people learn they can work the system. You may think that it’s nice to help one another, and it is, but when you engage the government to force it you ruin everything.

  5. Any time you take the fruits of one man’s labor by force, no matter what you do with them, the only correct word for it is slavery.

    He is working for someone else without agreeing to do so, and Government will put him in chains and shoot him if he complains.

    Thats not how neghbors act, unless you live next door to Soviet Russia…

  6. Walz “helps” just enough to keep them alive in order to serve the state. He gives the rest to those who would take over as soon as they become populous enough to kill everyone else.

    What he doesn’t understand is that, when they kill everyone else, he will be one of the killed.

  7. @ Left Coast Dan WEDNESDAY, 7 AUGUST 2024, 8:39 AT 8:39 AM

    progressive/Marxist/Satanists want, no demand, to be recognized as virtuous for taking what someone else earned and giving it to someone who didn’t earn it irrespective of why the latter is in the circumstance they are in and despite the fact that they refuse to change their destructive lifestyle and then broadcasting how virtuous you yourself are.

    I don’t know if it’s their hypocrisy or if it’s their moral preening I find most repulsive.

  8. Radical Marxist ideology is the Harris/Walz platform.
    They’ll attempt to run from their beliefs and appear moderate.

    They will rely upon the illiterate, BLM, AntiFa, LBTQXYZ, radical communist Left and Illegal Immigrant vote.

    Mainstream Voters will not support their Marxist agenda.

  9. He wanted people to turn in their neighbors for walking their dog during the scamdemic. It was the same in Nazi Germany when they wanted people to turn in their neighbors for being Jewish. These two assholes would make Hitler proud.

  10. Dirty Dems aren’t even trying to look centrist any more.
    Just outright Marxism.
    The people who cheer for Kameleon and Timmy (all I can picture is Timmy from South Park) better watch out. They may just get what they’re asking for.

  11. “Lock Step” Walz might have a similar narcissist personality profile as Jim Jones, the cult leader who killed hundreds in Grenada, 1979. The only difference is Jones used religion instead of politics as his narcissist “platform”.
    Walz with a smile, wouldn’t hesitate to send thousands if not millions to their deaths for his socialist definition of the “greater good”.
    Lock Step Walz and KamalMao, two psychopaths are truly a deadly combination. God forbid they win the election this November.


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