Tim Walz Picked as Kamala’s Running Mate – IOTW Report

Tim Walz Picked as Kamala’s Running Mate

Multiple reports Tuesday morning indicated Kamala Harris has personally chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her vice presidential running mate for the White House in 2024.

Waltz was governor during the George Floyd riots that caused nearly $2 billion in property destruction across the US.


Tim Walz is the governor who just changed the Minnessotta flag so it could resemble the Somalian flag. He wants to make sure the Muslim migrants feel at home and welcome!

31 Comments on Tim Walz Picked as Kamala’s Running Mate

  1. I’m watching it now and he’s as looney left as Kumalot is. I figured she’d take Shaipro but the democrat party is infected with so many antisemites it probably would have cost them Minnesota and Michigan. Check his record..he’s like Pelosi’s little brother.

  2. Somebody in my neighborhood has a donkey. I hear it when I go on long walks coming from back in the woods somewhere. Of course, I just presume it’s a donkey, and not a wild ass. Either way, it sounds ridiculous and my instinct is to go find it and put the damn Democrat down!


  3. Lighten up folks. Imagine how difficult it was for her to find a VP dumber than she is. If she’d brought in somebody smarter, it would have made her look even worse.

  4. Props to CNN

    They also just had the enplaning (is that a word? Opposite of deplaning). It was tell-tale.

    Look for this . . . Selfie Snaps of Walz Waltzing up the stairs.

    To be premiered on fixed networks shortly.

    Keep an eye out for them.

    Heard here too

  5. @mystaclean:

    Lighten up folks. Imagine how difficult it was for her to find a VP dumber than she is.

    LOL! But if she’s just looked a tiny bit harder she would have found Mazie Hirono.

  6. LOL! How desperate. The Shadow government picked a reactionary, clueless Demwit old white guy as KamalMao’s VP. The irony, he still may be smarter than her.
    A bottom of the barrel pair. The left would have to cheat like mad to get these two in the White House. Absolutely, no competition for the Trump/Vance ticket.

  7. Lots of laughter and confidence here and elsewhere on the right…

    I dunno. This strikes me a big FU from Kamala (and mostly from her handlers, who picked her and him) to rub our noses in the fact that they aren’t even worried about who is going to win and therefore don’t even have to pretend to appeal to the majority.

  8. The track record of Minnesota democrats running for Executive Office isn’t great (Humphrey and Mondale come to mind).

    Kamala will try to run as a fake moderate and leave the far-left Bernie faction to Walz to appease.

  9. Lightweight blackish manufactured sudden savior picks old white guy for VP. Sounds familiar.

    Best of luck with Hubert H. Walsh, Kamala. JD is going to wipe the floor with him. I mean, if the Dems are ever going to stop dodging debates.

    I can understand why y’all are gun-shy about debating, after the KO on CNN. And speaking of guns, notice how the guy who actually got shot is not shy at all about debating. But I digress. Best of luck, T-T-T-Timmmaaaahhh!

  10. Thirdtwin
    Tuesday, 6 August 2024, 12:42 at 12:42 pm

    “And speaking of guns, notice how the guy who actually got shot is not shy at all about debating.”

    …as good as Vance is doing, I still wish President Trump had chosen Dr. (ACTUAL) Brad Wenstrup for VP. Theres a lot of reasons for that, but I really think it would have been fun for BOTH candidates on the ticket to have had first-hand experience with Democrats actively trying to assassinate them…

  11. ‘Has personally chosen’. Bwa ha ha ha… more like ‘was instructed to choose’…. WTF, c’mon folks, Biden didn’t choose when to eat his tapioca and Harris only barely gets to choose what’s for dinner. Significant decision Kamala? No, no, a thousand times no. A prostitute does not make a good wife and a frat ho is not entrusted with decisions of any consequence


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