Tim Walz Took His Wife On Insane First Date That Should’ve Been A Red Flag – IOTW Report

Tim Walz Took His Wife On Insane First Date That Should’ve Been A Red Flag

“It’s kind of ironic when you think about it. Maybe seeing the movie with the love of his life that day inspired something in him. If you thought L.A. was dangerous in the 90s, just wait until you see it under a Harris-Walz administration.”

22 Comments on Tim Walz Took His Wife On Insane First Date That Should’ve Been A Red Flag

  1. …I remember I had a first date once where I selected “Ghost Story” as the feature, you know, “excuse to hug the supposedly scared girl” cliché.

    I didnt know that, 5 minutes in,there’d be male full frontal nudity.


    …no blurring in the actual movie, let me tell you.

    So here I am, trying to impress this sweet young thing on my dishwasher budget, and the FIRST thing that happens is this guy’s dick flapping in the breeze.

    Yay! What a confidence builder! What a way to convince her Im not a creepy pervert even though I kinda was!

    …this WAS supposed to be about MY dick, after all…

    …anyway, the rest of the movie with themes of gang sex, drunken medical incompetence, murder and concealment followed by some genuinely NASTY dead body scenes (pretty good for ’81) werent condusive to either physical or emotional intimacy, and needless to say she didnt become my wife. Oh well. My emotions didnt go beyond horniness at the time anyway, and if you could have seen her, youd know WHY…

    …There’s a whole LOT more modern than THAT to hate Awolz for, not sure a crappy date movie is really of any significance, I suspect we guys have all been THERE.

    Besides, look at the chick he was dating. She was into burning rubber, mass mayhem, and cowardly deserters with authoritarian streaks.

    …kinda seems like they were made for each other…

  2. The full court press to turn this guy into something he is directly opposite of is on. They’ve dumbed the gas out of the propaganda engine and have replaced it with nitro.
    I woke up early this morning and do my traditional wake up routine. Number one on the list is fire up the Ipad and check my favorite places. But first you need to get through the recommended articles just for you. “Who is Actually More 2A friendly, Vance or Walz”. “Actually”. Oh this ought to be good. The article can be summed up quickly. Walz is more gun friendly because he took a shot at a pheasant once. Walz scares conservatives because he’s just so darn masculine with his chiseled looks and all. The scaring conservatives is becoming one of their mantras. I’ve read it several places. Chiseled good looks? Out of what, a marshmallow?
    Sorry, I don’t consider pink fat people with no hair masculine looking. The shit you can read write now, all penned by 20 something dead losers, is off the hook.

  3. Not really a red flag when you consider she’s just as bad crap crazy as him.
    She probably was wetting herself thinking how lucky she was to meet her black souls mate.

  4. Obviously taking my future wife bird hunting with me for pheasants on one of our first dates wasn’t a deal breaker. I didn’t shoot any birds that day, but I gained her as my wife the next year. And the time we both stayed up all night just talking until her roommate and best friend finally kicked me out early the next morning.

  5. Bad_Brad
    Friday, 16 August 2024, 15:03 at 3:03 pm

    “I always say sometimes it comes in handy being hung like a hamster.”

    …guy with a little dick pulls it out on his wedding night. His new bride laughs and says “Who do you think THAT’S going to please?!?”

    Smiling, he answers, “ME!”

  6. Brad
    Friday, 16 August 2024, 13:01 at 1:01 pm

    I bet your date was glad you where wearing pants.”

    …but getting back to this “Pants” thing, my Scots employer cheaped up on uniform companies and ditched a legit one for an outfit that literally didnt know how to measure clothes. They had no idea how to use a tape measure and said their uniform pants didnt conform to usual measurements so you couldnt go by the size of the pants you’re CURRENTLY wearing, so THEIR solution was to have everyone show up at the same time for “a fitting”, which in their world meant they brought ONE pair of several sizes of their pants, with the stated object being that each man would try on trousers until they found one that fit, which would then be noted on the order and the pants, freshly off one man’s underwear, passed to the next.

    Given that a) all the world’s people work there and b) that all the world’s hygene (or lack thereof) works there, the odds were high that you’d be sliding someone elses syphilis up your bare thighs, and maybe just from the trial you’d come away with a bad case of Arkansas Pants Rabbits that might be a bit hard to explain to the wife, and I simply wasnt down with that.

    Besides, I didnt usually wear the issuec shirt anyway since I usually wore shirts bought and issued from the First Responders program to mark me out as same, and I liked thicker pants with cargo pockets anyway, so I just skipped the whole janky uniform company thing and bought and laundered my own damn pants, leaving the Mexican Jumping Beans to the neither regions of the aforementioned Mexicans.

    …but if it WERE an environment I could wear shorts or a kilt in (which I have a legit right to, different story for another day), I have nothing to be ashamed of as a life of standing and walking have sculpted my calves to a turn that rival those of George Washington and Company, its only ABOVE the waist that Time and taters got all funhouse on me.

    So no, no pantless factory work for me.

    It would be dangerous, I could start a trend, and not EVERYONE has a lower half as visually pleasimg as mine… 😉


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