Time for arts and craps – IOTW Report

Time for arts and craps

Yep, it’s a cult…

9 Comments on Time for arts and craps

  1. There has been no official statement that any of these vaccines can prevent one from getting the virus and dying, or spreading it. The best they can say is that if you get the virus, the vaccine will probably reduce the severity of infection.

    This virus is asymptomatic for the vast majority of those infected and among symptomatic infections, the death rate is minimal. It is notable in that its infectivity is very high, so while morbidity and mortality rates are low, the infection numbers are very high, so the total numbers for morbidity and mortality are proportional.

    Officials will not make public the numbers of bad reactions and deaths associated with the vaccines. We are not subjected to banners reminding us constantly of the death totals and daily numbers of hospitalized and dead from the vaccines, or sad stories of fine people who are facing a lifetime of pain and disability because of getting the vaccine. Maybe we should be? If Trump had won, we would be.

    I must decide if I should get a vaccine that appears to have done more damage to those I know than the virus did. I must decided if my daughter gets a vaccine that may kill her or permanently damage her heart or other organs, or risk her getting the virus. If I had access to the numbers, it would be easier to decide, but it seems the government has decided for me, therefore they need not make the relevant information available.

    The entire reaction by the FDA and CDC to this pandemic seems to have been built around merchandising high-priced novel treatments and novel vaccines (which at least some administrators and staff are invested in). Low cost treatments were summarily banned, without justification. Physicians were threatened with losing their license, even face jail time. Researchers were discredited and defunded. People were banned/canceled for mentioning alternative treatments.

    Because approved treatments are so costly, patients are not being admitted to hospitals until their vitals are so bad, they have to go immediately to critical care. There is no approved treatment available for those not in a hospital.

    Seemingly, the only way out of perpetual lockdown is vaccines. How convenient. That gets me back to my first statement. The vaccines are not doing what we are told they will do. Not only that, we are being told to expect to have to take a booster at least once a year from now on.

    What does a vaccine passport really do? It cannot guarantee the holder will not get infected and die, nor can it guarantee that the holder will not infect others. It is certification of one’s compliance to authority and mass compliance to authority is the only way to get out of lockdowns — maybe … but probably not.

    Welcome to Post-Normal.

  2. impeach the M—-f–ker t-shirt on the blond kid.

    i thank god that my kids are not this stupid, boring and self important.

  3. Tik Tok and the fucking China Syndrome. You didn’t need to be bombed. You bombed yourselves with chink junk and chink values.

    Nuclear energy is scary, but millions of soulless G-dless chinks will save you.

    Fuck off.


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