Time for Chelsea Clinton’s Easy Ride to End – IOTW Report

Time for Chelsea Clinton’s Easy Ride to End

chelsea clinton

From Politico: Why is the press treating a wealthy, 35-year-old political operative like she’s still a White House kid?
When precisely did Chelsea Clinton complete her transition from a White House kid whom journalists agreed to treat as off-limits to a public figure deserving of the full scrutiny of the press corps?

The unsettling answer to the question appears to be, “Not yet.” The soon-to-be 36-year-old occupies the status of an American princess—Diana on the Potomac, if you will. The press covers her, of course, attempting to ask her substantive questions, but mostly she exists to grace the covers of magazines—Fast Company and Elle most recently—and be treated to lighter-than-air puff pieces.

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29 Comments on Time for Chelsea Clinton’s Easy Ride to End

  1. Dammit MJA! Hubby cooked a giant pot of chicken and Andouille sausage gumbo. We ate late. That monstrous picture came close to causing an upchuck of gumbo. Hideous! The Blob, Medusa, a jackass and Satan’s Spawn rolled into one.

  2. Why is it always the republicans’ rhetoric that is deeply troubling? Matthew 7:5: “First take the log out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

  3. It ain’t nice to comment on someone’s look …
    so leave that butt-ugly, rancid-faced, bitch alone!

    Her breath smells like Michael Moore’s Depends – I know, cuz I was in DC once when she coughed … unless that was Blue Plains …

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