Time for ‘Child’s Given Name’ acts – IOTW Report

Time for ‘Child’s Given Name’ acts

WaEx: The debate over how schools should accommodate students experiencing gender dysphoria has become so divisive in part because both sides speak different moral languages.

Activists on the Left insist that “gender affirmation” is “lifesaving” care. When conservative state legislators in Florida proposed the Parental Rights in Education Act, it was quickly, and spuriously, labeled the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by critics. Conservative activists, in response, labeled it the “Anti-Groomer” bill. Things didn’t get less vitriolic from there.

As conservative state legislators ponder what steps to take next, they could consider eschewing rhetorical warfare and homing in on the most important word to any child: his or her name. State legislators could propose and champion “Child’s Given Name” acts, which would simply and plainly declare that school staff should not refer to a student by any name or pronoun other than those provided to the school by the child’s parents. more

7 Comments on Time for ‘Child’s Given Name’ acts

  1. Get ready for a whole lot of kids in the near future saddled by their woke and trendy parents with “unisex” names. We’ll be seeing Avery, Blair, Chris, Dale, Evan, Finley, Gale, Hayden, Ives, Jordan, Kim, Lee, Morgan, Noel, Oakley, Paige, Quinn, Robin, Sandy, Terry, Vivian, Whitney, Yves, and the like for the rest of our lives.

  2. Some of the names they give children are horrible. I know of 2 Anakin’s and at least one Landru. And the misspellings! 7 different versions of “Antwan” and none of them the French spelling. Jenevee instead of Genevieve, and weird placements of X, like “Jaxon.” These kids will never learn to spell.

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