TIME Offers Help With Your ‘Woke’ Kindergartener – IOTW Report

TIME Offers Help With Your ‘Woke’ Kindergartener

Topic: “How to Talk to Your Kids About the Situation With Iran.”

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: I remember reading in the early hours after the 2016 election how so many journalist and Hollywood types were lamenting on how difficult it was going to be to explain to their young children that DJT was now president. I couldn’t help be giggle as I envisioned them seated in front of their 4 year old staring back at them over their unwanted bowl of soggy coco puffs in puzzlement as they eat a booger.  more

19 Comments on TIME Offers Help With Your ‘Woke’ Kindergartener

  1. Uh oh, “Time for Kids” gets delivered to many public school rooms; there is also one called “Scholastic News” (in my day we got “Weekly Reader.” There is also something teachers play from CNN called “CNN Ten” They think they have the young ones totally indoctrinated. Another great reason to home school. Those publications have online activities that go with the print editions that are ‘fun.’ I know because I work as a sub, but often teachers don’t have time for the little newspapers and leave them for the subs like me.

  2. How I explain this to kindergartners:

    A long time ago, before you can remember, we had a President named Obama. President Obama routinely ordered robot planes to shoot missiles at people he wanted killed, and Democrats cheered.

    Now we have President Trump, and he ordered a missile to be launched against a bad man who killed Americans and other innocent people. The bad man died, but Democrats are mad because it wasn’t President Obama or President Hillary Clinton who ordered robot planes to shoot missiles at bad people.

    Now I know you are only five years old and this doesn’t make any sense. But wait until you are older – it won’t make any sense then either.

  3. Johnnie, Judy, Jose, Samara listen up. There are good people and there are bad people. The bad people say they are good and you should follow them. The good people do good things. Even as a four year old you know good from bad. Don’t listen to the bad people.

  4. “Well, once upon a time, about 65 years ago a bunch of ‘forward-thinking’ American government and military officials thought they could go in and help overthrow Iran’s democratically elected leader and install a puppet dictator that would do their country’s bidding, thinking that it could only be a benefit to the future of their country….”

  5. …I’ve always believed the Lord does things earlier in our lives that equip us for what we need later in life, since HE knows what we will need at EVERY POINT in our lives and we DON’T.

    I have personally had occasion just i the last yeae to use EVERY skill I learned as a callow youth, when I thought they were just for FUN and that I could safely leave them in the past.

    God showed me otherwise, and had also helped me retain them.

    …with that in mind, I don’t have perfect recall of my kindergarten years as they are on the other side of many phone-book sized piles of calendar pages, but I DO recall them emphasizing the importance of nap time and snack time.

    …and I notice THOSE skills have, after the half-century mark, become WAY more important to me. Thank you, Lord, for sending me teachers in my tender years to impart the very napping skills I use NOW.

    …thing is, I’m pretty sure that any discussion of Iranians would have been greeted with a yawn and a request for more juice, which is probably a pretty good response NOW as well…

  6. “Well Timmy – on November 4, 1979, those mohammedan monkeys screwed the pooch! And they’ve been screwing it ever SINCE!” 😡

    “NEXT time, we’ll talk about the, ‘Ayatollah Ass-a-hola!'”

  7. If the parents who read Time and think they can have a discussion with their small children to explain Iran could only hear themselves, but they are incapable of introspection on such matters.

  8. I was starting to talk to my boys about the DoI and Constitution at around this age with an emphasis on Jefferson, oh and Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

    That’s how it starts Time – Charlie Brown.

  9. 60 years ago I subscribed to CBLuce’s mag. I admit to stubborn. It took me 7 years to admit she was a Stalinist and cancel! But I did cancel. Time has been a far left/progressive mag since Ike! Clearly still a leftist org!

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