‘Time to be ourselves again’ – Ireland announces end to most Covid-19 restrictions – IOTW Report

‘Time to be ourselves again’ – Ireland announces end to most Covid-19 restrictions

Cabinet has agreed to lift all regulations, except for mask-wearing, self-isolation and Covid passes for international travel, from 6am on Saturday.

11 Comments on ‘Time to be ourselves again’ – Ireland announces end to most Covid-19 restrictions

  1. This calls for a round of Guinness. It’s the black nectar that makes Ireland the greatest drinking country that ever shook off the English. So what if it took eight hundred years, it was worth the wait.

  2. Marco
    JANUARY 21, 2022 AT 4:53 PM
    “This calls for a round of Guinness. It’s the black nectar that makes Ireland the greatest drinking country that ever shook off the English. So what if it took eight hundred years, it was worth the wait.”

    Not entirely shook off…

  3. The Six Counties: Yes, there’s still some unfinished business in those six counties, but the Irish Civil War and the Troubles proved that all those Protestants can’t be forced to throw off the British just to erase hundreds of years of mistreatment of the Catholic minority. I’ve traveled throughout Northern Ireland several times, and it’s one of the most beautiful places in the world, but it’s very unlikely to ever freely join the Republic.

  4. anyone else wonder why, all of a sudden, countries are starting to reverse the mandates?
    they all just had an epiphany at about the same time? … doubtful

    maybe enough of the peasants have gotten the clot shot so that the Davos Crowd can sit back & wait while the hoi-poli drop like flies in the next few years … doesn’t the world smell so much better all of a sudden?

    pitchforks people … pitchforks

    stock up … the shitstorm’s coming

  5. Word to the wise: Don’t be lulled (back) to sleep by the fake “concern” we’ll be seeing across the world by colluding global leadership including by the sinister, underhanded, and known liar and race-hater Joe Biden via his bogus disease-laced “N95 masks” which are manufactured by his pals over at the CCP. Do Not put the things on your faces nor touch them.

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