Time to Man Up – IOTW Report

Time to Man Up

19th Ward Chicago: One of the primary reasons why Donald Trump is in the White House today is because he didn’t act like a typical wimpy politician during the campaign.

The American people were hungry for someone who is strong, someone who is a fighter and someone who will stand up for what he believes. In other words, they wanted a man and not a wimp. Yes, Donald Trump has done and said some things that are very regrettable over the years, but many Americans were willing to overlook those imperfections because at least he was willing to go to battle. Now that he is president, will he inspire millions of other men to finally start acting like men again?

Too many men today would rather go to the spa than pick up a shovel.

Too many men today speak of the need for “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings”.

Too many men today are living in a state of suspended adolescence and are putting off marriage and family indefinitely.

Too many men today are more likely to be called a “snowflake” rather than a “warrior”.

In an absolutely remarkable article that was published earlier this week, author Todd Starnes made some keen observations about modern “men”. The following is a short excerpt…

In today’s reengineered version of manhood, guys no longer have friends – they have bromances and they settle disputes by hugging it out.

Men’s magazines are now filled with articles like, “Should a Man Show Nipple?” and “What Men Know about Wearing Eyeliner.”

25 Comments on Time to Man Up

  1. I’ll finish the sentence the way a red blooded American grandmother would finish the sentence.

    “The American people were hungry for someone who is strong, someone who is a fighter and someone who” clangs like the Liberty Bell when he walks.

  2. The Trump Effect is going to turn many Lesbians into straight, productive Moms. Mark my words, when a lesbian sees a real man in action with his wife and kids she can no longer be satisfied with a duplicate of herself. Trump is turning dykes right now, this will become a phenomenon.




  4. It’s not just the schools, but they are a big part of the problem. Title 9. All of the pop-culture has been pushing the girl-power meme for decades. Watch almost any action movie nowadays; the hero more often than not is the strong woman, braver than the men, stronger, smarter. The movie Hidden Figures revised history so black women saved the space program. Our military, last bastion of men has been systematically neutered by democrat politicians while the republicans stood by silently. Fire departments now have to lower their physical standards so women can qualify. Girls are encouraged to enroll in science and technology programs while boys are drugged to keep them from acting like boys. Young men are told that any advance towards a woman is “sexual harassment” meanwhile women can sleep with whomever they want, act anyway they want, talk anyway they want with no repercussions or condemnation, because that would be sexist. I could go on but i won’t.

  5. Tony R,
    This shit starts at the schools. No question. I can tell you countless stories of natural born alpha males that were punished by “Zero Tolerance” school policy. It destroys these kids. Got one of my own that suffered through the shit.

  6. True story. Last summer I had to ” Teach ” two defensive linemen from the University of Washington how to use a shovel to dig a trench to install a new electrical service line.
    Me 170, 60 years old, them 290 and 245 all muscle 22 years old, I could out work them all day long. Good kids.
    They have no baseline to start from, we need to take them under our wings and show them how to be men, you know, start a fire, fish, shoot, cook, and most important respect womem and themselves.

  7. The hapless snowflake Pajama Boy, unknowingly drinking Ex-Lax laced hot cocoa, while wearing a onesie, was truly a dirty trick that won’t be forgotten anytime soon.

    Moral Of The Story: Unlike mommy, roommates can sometimes play mean jokes.

  8. I won’t say how I know this but just trust me, this is first hand knowledge.

    The problem of public schools not being able to handle unruly boys (usually they’re boys but not always) is a bit more complicated than most think, due to something you all have heard before: 90% of those boys are black with absent fathers — no role model except jocks and thugs — and so revert to feralism as testosterone starts to come into play. Common sense, I know, but it’s a fact.

    Add on top of that the lib-neutered staff who can’t handle NORMAL boys to begin with by the usual means (forcing them into a compliant mold) so they’re wholly unequipped to deal with them. And in 10% of the cases, the ferals are girls who don’t misbehave as often as the boys but when they do, come across as downright psychotic.

    Add on top of THAT a druggie or lunatic or completely don’t give a crap mother who will NEVER return the school’s calls, or the at-wit’s-end aunt or grandmother who cannot control the mother OR the kid. And if the kid happens to be black and staff are white, that’s just one more layer of absurd complexity since the kid has picked up somewhere that white people are, in some sense, their enemy. I’ve seen it.

    You’ve read that districts unofficially require black kids to be reported less often EVEN THOUGH THEY MAKE UP THE MAJORITY OF DISCIPLINE REFERRALS ties a school’s hands even more? It’s true. I personally know teachers who have submitted referral after referral on the same black students and those referrals…vanish.

    And let me emphasize that these ferals, for that’s what they amount to, are not exclusively black. Mostly, but not always.

    To belabor the point: there are always exceptions but discipline problems in schools almost invariably begin with bad or nonexistent fathers. That kid will not respond to ANY adult discipline in the school because there’s no one at home to discipline him (or her) so why the hell should they listen to you? Unless your school has a resource officer you can call for backup…you have nothing to appeal to.

    This is a situation that is completely absurd and will never be corrected without a fundamental, ground up destruction and restructuring of public education, which I welcome but which I do not think will ever happen. But I’m hopeful.

    Sorry if the above is disjointed but I had to get it all out in one burst. I won’t say how I know what I’ve written but I do know it all to be factual. Ask any teacher who is not a leftist drone and they’ll verify every word.

  9. Two cases in point:

    A female black assistant principal said the demographics at a local school (historically white and used to perform very well, but which slid recently due to redistricting) will “continue to change” to the point the school would “no longer have students who do what you ask just because you ask them to.” The code for what she was actually saying is clear.

    Another female black AP at a local school was witnessed by teachers I personally know to have said during interviews over the summer that the problem with her school was that it hired too many white women…presumably those who had no real way to “relate” to her students whose demographics are also in flux. Last I heard, no action has taken place on that statement, even though the head principal was notified she’d said it. This AP is also the one I referred to earlier as having memory holed referrals on black students, then follow up with nothing, which reduces even further the respect the troublemakers have for white teachers.

    No system that tolerates such as this can possibly be expected to perform well. It needs burned to the ground and rebuilt.

  10. Most of today’s “men” don’t know how to use (or repair) a fuckin lawnmower.
    Have never cut a piece of molding.
    Have never painted a room.
    Or changed a tire.
    Or replaced their brake pads.
    Or replaced a sill cock.

    Many thought that teaching such things was beneath the dignity of our little aspiring Einsteins and Napoleons. So we no longer teach em to fight, either – just to suck each other’s dicks if there’s some confrontation.
    For every action, there’s an equal and opposite, reaction.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. @ grool

    Excellent post. I want to add one thing. When pubescent kids can’t read, nor even speak English, they can’t learn any basic subjects, and don’t acquire satisfaction in any accomplishment of value to themselves or society.

  12. I think unruly, disruptive to the class kids should be dealt with exactly like they were dealt with in the 60s and 70s.

    They prevent other kids from learning while they do their shit in school.

    They lose the privilege to be in class.

    That’s what’s missing now days. Forcing them to stay in classroom, regardless of their behavior, screws everybody.

    Going soft on discipline never works out well.

  13. PJ,

    Exactly right — hence the perverse appeal of the lies of the Left, promising all manner of things with you needing to have no actual skin in the game. Indeed, the less skin you have, the more entitled you are.

    Public ed feeds this wicked cycle in many (not all) areas and it’s all by design, I’m convinced.

  14. I can change my tire on an old deserted mail road. Change my oil in my garage. Clean my Shield. Still keep a nice tight grouping after 50 rounds. Field dress a deer in 30 minutes flat. Process it in 4 different ways. God willing, our 3 daughters will also. Why? Because my husband knows it’s important that we learn these things.

    My man. I chose well.

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