Time to put down the K😷😷L-Aid – IOTW Report

Time to put down the K😷😷L-Aid

The latest from Paul Joseph Watson: Definitely Not a Cult

21 Comments on Time to put down the K😷😷L-Aid

  1. I now use Obama’s derogatory term bitter clinger to those still walking around proudly with TWO masks. I’ve noticed too the people that still had a mask on yesterday at the grocery store were extremely unhealthy looking – pale, either very fat or very thin, with an angry bitterness in their eyes.

  2. Went to Lowes, Costco and Home Depot in metro Atlanta yesterday. We barefaces outnumbered maskers 10-1. I have ‘t seen that in a year. I hope it lasts and spreads like a wildfire.

  3. …it’s Kool-Aid, but instead of a grinning picture it will be a Federal Agent bursting through your wall around 3AM because you posted that comment that one time on January 6th, so you’ll either drink the Kool-Aid at THAT point or languish in a Federal prison until Nancy gets the ovens up and running…

  4. Unbelievable.
    And unbelievably cheesy vids of vaccine support.
    Reminds of the Chinese Communist Slogan Campaign before their ultimate victory. They went about China writing graffiti-like slogans on all the buildings in each village – even though the illiteracy rate was about 98%. And then they held self-criticism meetings where everyone (except those in the communist hierarchy) had to criticize their own thoughts – under pain of torture and/or death – beatings were fairly common.

    I don’t get out much and I live in south-central MO, which is a pretty sane area – or at least an area inhabited by pretty sane people. So I haven’t experienced zealousness of this caliber except at the hospital – who you’d think would know better!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Anonymous

    Re: You mentioned Obama’s term “Bitter Clinger”

    That sent my mind down this hole:

    I call those “Will Knots” or “Will Nots” both are acceptable.

    1)They are the little balls of shit that cling to the hairs on your asshole and “Will Not” fall into the bowl.


    2) They are the little balls of toilet paper that ball up, get stuck in you asshole hair, and form “KNOTS” that “WILL NOT” Fall away.

    Obama –> Bitter Clinger –> Will Not –> Will Knot

  6. I did buy one box of masks about a year ago. $20 bucks.
    Still have it.
    I put the same damned mask on over and over again until it snaps and then get another one.
    On each service call I Charge $5 PPE per visit.
    A 2 trip visit for diagnose & return is 2 x $5 or $10 bucks.
    You make my life harder, I make you pay. (commercial clients)

    IF It it is a struggling personal business or homeowner I DO NOT do this and have done quite a few free calls & repairs. Toronto has been mostly looked down since December 26th/2021. 5 months

    TORONTO deserves it. They gave the Liberal Party & Justine a minority government. Them or DOMINION Voting, no idea anymore.

  7. Pretty much what I have been saying regarding the motivating force behind this bullshit for over a year now.

    I had a couple returns at Home Depot a couple days ago and the clerk said to me: I see you in here all the time. Your the guy who never wears a mask. You never wear a mask. I responded: Yea, I don’t really participate in fads, trends or virtue signaling bullshit.

    We chatted for a while and she told me that she thought it was cool how I would just cruise in w/o mask and go about my business not bothering anyone. I told her that I just try to ignore the latest fads and go on about my own damn business.

  8. Went to Walmart this morning. The maskers still rule the roost here in SE VA. This was about 8am and I only saw ONE other person without a mask. On my way out the door a mom with a 6 year old – both double masked. I don’t know what will break this psychosis.

  9. Here in the capitol of Clown World, California, most businesses still require people to wear a mask. Even walking outside, most wear masks. As I walk among the maskubators without a mask, they veer away to avoid me. Real Kool-Aid drinkers we have here.

  10. Went to a stand-alone Kohl’s in one neighborhood and then a mall in a slightly different neighborhood.

    Kohl’s signage: no mask required if vaccinated: masked vs unmasked was about 8 to 2. Sad to say the jewelry section in this Kohl’s is non-existent – went there specifically looking for earrings for a wedding – it was pretty much empty floor space.

    The JC Penney at the mall had same signage and the masked to unmasked ratio was more 50-50. Although two fully masked 15-16 year olds scurried away in a panic went I approached their 6 foot bubble to look at a display.

    Walked through the mall commons and masked to unmasked was more 40-60. But all the small specialty shops I stopped in required masks. Not sure about Dillard’s policy because I found what I wanted for bargain in a tuxedo shop.

    Off the mask topic, but this mall used to be vibrant. Not sure it will survive, now. The former Sears space is still empty. The Dillard’s used to have two spaces – one for men’s clothing and one for women’s. I hated the concept, but now they are in one space. The other space was taken over by Macy’s, and they are closed now.

  11. @Tim
    You would think that the medical community would know better. Then I remind myself that even the ones who graduated at the bottom of their med school, still get to be called ‘Doctor’.

  12. …went to a JC Penny, one of the few still surviving, to buy a suit for a wedding. I don’t wear suits so it’s been years. The last time I did it in 19 dickety 2, I had to fend off clerks trying to upsell me with one hand and both feet. This time, other than the gal in the cash wrap and one scared boy pushing a clothes cart to the stock room as fast as he could to avoid customer contact, I saw no one that worked there, and sure didn’t have to worry about anyone giving me service.

    The boy wore a mask, the cash wrap gal was an older woman and didn’t.

    Customers were pretty split on it, even though it’s OH and the “mask mandate” of dubious legality is still in effect.

    …and as far as the doctors go, @MissInMI, I have no hope there. Medical competence has been on a slide a lot longer than the FakeFlu’s been out there, they keep creating subcatagories of “medical professionals” because not enough want to be doctors and those that DO seem to be Affirmative Action hires and Affirmative Action passes in medical school (and also to be cheaper for the insurance compaines), Obamacare chased all the GOOD doctors who were near retirement ANYWAY out because they didn’t want to deal with this crap, the REST of the good doctors are leaving because they don’t want to be forced to pretend that women are men and men are women and do pap smears on people with penises, and they are ALL cowards from what I’ve seen besides.

    You see the woman in the ‘Conspiracy Theory’ pic, with the mask and grinding shield on?

    That’s EXACTLY what my “doctor” looked like the last time I saw him, as he stood as far away from me in the room as possible and shouted questions at me without actually doing any sort of physical exam or even getting close enough to see anything, and he’s made it clear he would like to do MOST appointments on the medical equivalent they have of a Zoom meeting.

    This is the SECOND doctor I had like this, I dumped my LAST primary, PRE-Covid, because HE didn’t want any patient contact EITHER.

    …the last time I had a medical professional who actually DID do what they are SUPPOSED to do (palpate (feel), ausculate (listen, like with a stethescope), percuss (tap on a specific body part for a variety of reasons, usually to assess fluid in one way or another), and inspect (LOOK), it was the Certified Nurse Practitioner they sent me to when I needed to see my doctor and he didn’t practice where I moved to, and SHE was REAL young and trying to build her practice, so she was actually WAY better at doing doctor things than my DOCTOR is, which was kind of embarassing because I needed a hernia exam which isn’t something an old fart like me wants a metaphorical little girl to do, even though it’s all professional.

    I don’t know WHAT happened to the medical profession specifically, but generally what happened to it traces back to Democrats, as all bad things DO.

    Democrats destroy and weaponize EVERYTHING they take over.

    The medical profession was no exception….

  13. …but this…


    …gives me another idea.

    …were I a woman, with a woman’s endowments, one thing that might be fun to try for the lingering mask holes is to make a top comprised of two masks, tied together and around the back in such a way that each acts as an individual boob snood and covers adequately the nipular region the law requires. Wear a loose top over it for modesty, but if you get a mask challenger, simply open or otherwise remove your modesty top to reveal that, not only are you indeed MASKED, you are DOUBLE masked.

    …bet THAT shuts ’em up!

    …unfortunately, it wouldn’t work for ME. I’m ugly even by DUDE standards and haven’t even developed promising MAN boobs yet, so I couldn’t pull it off.

    …but if one of you LADIES would like to try it and report back on efficacy, I’m sure you’d have an eager audience…

  14. We went to a lovely municipal garden yesterday. I think everyone we saw there was older. None of us were wearing a mask. We’d stopped and talked to several groups of people. (They limited the number of people in the garden at one time is limited to keep its from being overrun — not because of COVID.

    In the past couple of months I have had a few appointments in hospital facilities. At first I would wear a mask when going in. But NO — you are not allowed to wear an outside mask. They had to give you a NEW mask. Mind you, they did not take your OLD mask away from you (?!). My car is full of masks.

    We wear masks in business because they are required by law bureaucratic edict. You’ve seen what has been happening to churches (but curiously not mosques) in Alberta so we don’t want to endanger business. This is Trudeauistan, after all.

  15. Went to a nice fly-in pancake breakfast at a little airport nearby today.

    People ranging in age from small children to octogenarians, and not a single mask anywhere!

    Just a lot of smiling, talking, laughing and otherwise happy people enjoying all things aviation on a spectacular blue sky day in Colorado.


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