Times Change… – IOTW Report

Times Change…

13 Comments on Times Change…

  1. I think our clocks are already turned back to 1979 when another country held US hostages, gas prices were through the roof, we had an ignorant fool for a president, joe biden* was the biggest idiot in DC…

    Of course back then Kamala sucked her first cock (now on 14,684 and counting), Hillary deleted her first file (now on 384 million), Bill raped his 9th victim, (Clinton that is, it was Cosby’s 27th, current numbers are unobtainable), the MSM had a modicum of respect (now at -34%)…

  2. A wise old Indian once said, leave it to the government to tell you you can cut the end off a blanket, sew it to the other end and tell you you have a longer blanket.

  3. Kinda sounds like the clocks got set back to MY time…

    “11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

    12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.”
    Genesis 6:11-12

    God told ME to build an ARK about when all this was going on.

    What’d he tell YOU guys?


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