“Tip of The Iceberg” – The Pending Intelligence Memo is The Beginning, Not The End – IOTW Report

“Tip of The Iceberg” – The Pending Intelligence Memo is The Beginning, Not The End

CTH: There continue to be questions about the substance behind the pending release of the House Intelligence Committee memo. With that release in mind, today it is worthwhile remembering this is the beginning of exposing the corruption within the DOJ not the end.

For several years the U.S. justice department has maintained an attitude of non-accountability within its ranks.  The Obama years elevated that attitude and provided multiple examples of a DOJ gone rogue.

A complicit media enables that attitude by engineering a false narrative the U.S. Justice Department was/is an independent fourth branch of government; unaccountable to congress and entirely separate from the executive branch.

The House Intelligence Memo is simply using the example of currently known FISA abuse to open the door and show the U.S. electorate how corrupt this unaccountable institution has become.  Behind that door are very uncomfortable realities for all of those who constructed the weaponized agency; and also those who have benefited from it. read more

6 Comments on “Tip of The Iceberg” – The Pending Intelligence Memo is The Beginning, Not The End

  1. Mark Meadows.
    Being quoted by The Conservative Treehouse.

    Lady Justice wears a blindfold. Her scale is supposed to be balanced.

    Alright. That’s it. I’m out.

    Anyone stupid enough to burp that… Anyone stupid enough to quote that burp, for any purpose other than demonstrating the logical absurdity… Is trying to kill too many brain cells. By the time we’re all dumb enough to believe, there’ll be nobody left to understand.

  2. If Trump manages to tear off the soiled bandages to expose the gangrene that we all have been smelling since Clinton (Bill that is) and then is able to cut off the rotting limb he will go down as one of the top 3 greatest POTUS’s with Washington & Linclon- bumping Reagan to #4.

    I must confess I did not think this was possible. Even getting as far as he has is amazing. My heart is full of gratitude to the Creator of us all that that women lost.

  3. And just when you think your day/week/year couldn’t get any better….We have even MORE Fun with Felon’s and we shall see just how low the demoncrats can go……

    Good thing we have a BIG supply of popcorn, after the Nunes NUKE last week, it will be fun to see the demoncrats and all of their slavish peons in the MSM try to explain how High Crimes against the American people should never be seen or exposed.

    As flounder in Animal house said:
    “This is going to be SOOOOO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!”

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