Tissue Alert! Feinstein Sez Hillary Is ‘Hurting’ After Loss To Trump – IOTW Report

Tissue Alert! Feinstein Sez Hillary Is ‘Hurting’ After Loss To Trump

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DailyCaller: Hillary Clinton is “hurting” following her election loss to Donald Trump, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Wednesday.

tissue box

“I think it is fair to say she’s hurting,” Feinstein said during an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell. The Democrat had lunch with Clinton last week when the former secretary of state visited Capitol Hill to attend Nevada Sen. Harry Reid’s retirement party.

“She is brave,” Feinstein said of Clinton.

“She is a real professional in the sense of her values, care, concern. I think all of us know who watch that campaign, it was a very hard campaign for her — the name-calling, the email intrusion, the misinterpretation of what she had done with the emails,” she continued.

Clinton has made only a few public appearances since losing to Trump last month. She has also been spotted hiking in the woods near her mansion in Chappaqua, N.Y.
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25 Comments on Tissue Alert! Feinstein Sez Hillary Is ‘Hurting’ After Loss To Trump

  1. Really brave to take the loss this well after calling half of Americans deplorable and irredeemable along with all the other crimes, lies, (mysterious) deaths etc. we’ve had to deal with for decades. The name calling, mud slinging etc. always started on her side, Trump just punched back while no other Republican has ever has tried before. I hope it hurts like hell and she wakes up every day for the rest of her miserable life in pain and agony knowing she was rejected and will never be the first female POTUS.

  2. Look Potato face, you people are still in the denial stage. You aren’t ready to take in new information. Especially while you are feverishly looking to fix the blame, instead of the problem.
    Your statements are unfortunate for you because they will come back to you in years to come, just like the nuclear option Harry screwed up on.
    You Old Guard Democrats are the Dinosaurs in the picture with the asteroid overhead.
    You’re Dunsels, all of you. You have outlasted your purpose.
    The people with values tied to a work ethic have become Republicans.
    The Jack Kennedy Democrats that would fight tooth and nail for the ‘little guy’ have left your party, because you betray their wholesome values as Neanderthal gruntings, all while making mock, sure in your superiority.
    From now on the Democrat party will become synonymous with the vestiges of the Hippie revolution, staffed with adult infants armed with tired Marxist platitudes to replace critical thinking that will be regurgitated endlessly through whatever social media your manipulators hand you.
    And little else to recommend you.

  3. “She is a real professional in the sense of her values, care, concern. I think all of us know who watch that campaign, it was a very hard campaign for her — the name-calling, the email intrusion, the misinterpretation of what she had done with the emails,” she continued.


    And the hildebeast deserved every bit of it and then some. Say Hillary, what’s Creamer and Foval up to these days?

  4. Diane Feinstein, who, as mayor of San Francisco, held a presser with information previously undisclosed about the Night Stalker, Richard Ramirez. He changed aspects about himself that made it more difficult to catch him. She is nothing buy an unmitigated whore and it is unfathomable to me that California continues to elect this hag. Talk about misogyny! She cared nothing about his female victims, just about getting her name out there in the public.

  5. Values, care and concern, are NOT words compatible with bill or hillary.
    Just ask the 4 Americans in Benghazi or the hundred thousand in Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq who were killed by her policies, incompetence and arrogance.
    Of course the islamic terrorists who received funding, arms and support may very well disagree.

  6. Like I could even remotely give a shit whether Hillary’s hurting or not. The bitch doesn’t give a shit about the average American, only the super rich ones, and she proved it while on campaign when she spent most of her time pandering to the rich in order to weasel money out of them. Or claiming she is for women’s rights while taking money from the Saudis, who are guilty of some of the worst crimes against women, ever.

    I hope she is in emotional and physical pain for the rest of her miserable life.

  7. Well obviously Hillary, the next logical step for you to escape your pain is to kill yourself.

    Here. Take this loaded sawed-off shotgun and shove it real right under your chin. Go ahead! Pull the trigger. You’ll feel better. TRUST ME. 😈

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