Tissues for Hillary – IOTW Report

Tissues for Hillary

BIDEN: Hillary ‘never got chance’ to speak to white, middle class voters.

-AmericanMirror: A four-month general election — and the 12 months before that — wasn’t enough time to connect with white, middle-class voters, according to Joe Biden.

The vice president appeared on CNN on Sunday and faulted Hillary Clinton’s strategy and inability to connect and “respect” workers impacted by globalism.

He told Jake Tapper that he recognized the Democrats’ shift away from economic issues because, as he put it, “we got the car out of the ditch and onto the road and runnin’,” and therefore focused on other issues.

He said solutions to helping people who have been “left behind” wasn’t a “central part of the campaign going forward.”

“We’ve got to speak to those people,” Biden continued.  MORE

SNIP: Either he’s lying or he’s more confused than a one-eyed parrot in a mirror factory.

30 Comments on Tissues for Hillary

  1. @Dianny – it NEVER ends. It is what liberal democrats do – make excuses. NOTHING is ever their fault when they fail at anything they do (running for office, creating government programs, controlling our lives, etc, etc.)

  2. What do you expect when you look voters in the face and tell them you plan to kill their profession’s industry?! Or just ignore them altogether. No stops in WI, minimal elsewhere. No compassion when LA flooded. Hillary attacking voters as being deplorable and irredeemable. And a lot of lavish rich parties.

  3. ONE ASPECT they refuse to even consider, but which is the prima facie one, is that Shrillary is despised by majority of Americans and the World. Why? She is first and foremost a pathological liar, and that is the basis why most do not want to have a dialogue with her. She is poison of the worst type. So why listen to anyone who will lie to you when the truth would serve them better? She can never ever ever own up to her own errors. Just not wired that way. Temper fits make her close to rabid dog class, needing to be put down. HOW MANY times does the majority need to vote, to speak, to fight, to spit on her for the left and democrats to acknowledge the fact they LOST?

  4. Hillary spent all her time pandering to and weaseling money out of the rich. She would take up to two weeks off after a rally while Trump took very little time off, if any, and he concentrated on talking to the ordinary folks that Hillary ignored.

    That’s why she lost.

  5. Hillary didn’t get a chance to speak to them because the thought of them caused her to pass out. Look at what happened when she was surrounded by them at the 9/11 memorial.

  6. No Joe, it was WikiLeaks, no Obama, no the right wing conspiracy, no the Koch Bros., no the white racists and nazis, no the pro-lifers, No Comey and the FBI, no the gun owners, no wall street, no the democratic party, no it was Bernie, no it is the Russians fault.
    Sounds just like Obama, no one wants to take responsibility for their own actions or inaction, but they’ll blame everyone else.

  7. Yes, they got the car out of the ditch, by hiring their friends to lower the road so it didn’t look like a ditch anymore. Then they insisted the wheels be made of wood stolen from the Gibson Guitar company and demanded the engine run on algae.
    Then they cried RACISM!!! when nobody wanted to drive this POS…therefore the car DIDN’T GO ANYWHERE!

  8. He told Jake Tapper that he recognized the Democrats’ shift away from economic issues because, as he put it, “we got the car out of the ditch and onto the road and runnin’,” and therefore focused on other issues.

    Is car code word for Hillary?

    Since y’all ran it into the ditch, it’s only fair. Didn’t help matters that the bloated windbag topped off her tank with her favorite gin on a daily basis either.

  9. “One-eyed parrot in a mirror factory”…That’s a good one! In fact, a parrot should be the symbol of the Dems (even though an ass is appropriate as well). All they seem capable of doing is repeating whatever their handlers say to them.

  10. “… wasn’t enough time to connect with white, middle-class voters …”

    The REAL problem was the 40 years or so that she’s been deceiving and stealing from the white, middle-class voters …

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. The fact that she is crooked, arrogant, unfeeling, a working class job killer, and according to her Puppy Pedesta a liar of weapons grade magnitude there is no apparent reason that the unwashed didn’t vote for her.

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