Tlaib is Tlouble – IOTW Report

Tlaib is Tlouble

Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has been an outspoken supporter of the Palestinian cause. However, her alleged connections to the Hamas terrorist group have only recently been uncovered, according to the Canary Mission. MORE HERE

25 Comments on Tlaib is Tlouble

  1. why bother even bringing it up? nothing will happen the country is unfortunately finished because of the traitors on the left and their enablers on the right. just party like its 1999.

  2. Air freight Talib on a humanitarian mission to Hamas in Gaza. Discharge her from the plane like a crate minus the parachute. Maybe she’ll kill a few when she impacts.

  3. Remeber all clinton’s bullshit about ‘if women ran the world’?
    Tlaib is a wanna be concentration camp guard. But hey – there’s always FEMA camps. She should start applying.

  4. All members of islam are tied to Hamas and Isis and every other terrorist groups. Whether overtly or subversively as their religion demands it. Apostates will be killed. Most will use taqiya so as not to show their position.
    islam Delenda Est

  5. Claudia FRIDAY, 27 OCTOBER 2023, 15:33 AT 3:33 PM What I want is true justice and not pie in the sky wishful thinking. Or that after 2000 years God is going to finally save us.

  6. Claudia, Sorry but I am VERY discouraged. The DemocRATS get power they go right for the jugular vein. They relentlessly push their agenda with the assistance from the mass media and apparently the courts now also, and they NEVER break ranks. One of their Representatives breaks a fire alarm and disrupts an official proceeding of the House of Representatives and he gets a slap on the wrist. Jan 6th defendants many of them still are being held without trial and no bail, etc… etc… and look at the Party that’s supposed be on our side and I can’t help but be discouraged.

  7. Moslems do not recognize the state as having position versus the creed. That being the case, think about how they see infidel governments. If a moslem commits an act of jihad resulting in the deaths of a thousand infidels that moslem is guilty of nothing at all in the eyes of moslem government and people. If the infidel government seeks retribution that government is guilty of persecuting the moslem who perpetrated the jihad. Tlaib and all observant moslems in government in the US are there only to destroy. There is no other jihad to be done in an infidel government, only to destroy it. 0bama’s jihad continues today under the puppet Biden, and his jihad is proceeding quite well.

    This is not a war of persuasions or of borders disputed, this is a war of civilizations, the moslems on one side and everyone else on the other. Dar al Islam or Dar al Harb. You choose, there is no middle ground with these people, in the middle is only angling for advantage before striking again.

    Our ‘leaders’, highly credentialed and apparently without any practical experience in… anything… don’t seem to grasp this fundamental in dealings with moslems. Jews want to hondle you, to take your stuff, moslems want to kill you, your parents, your kids, your dog, whatever, if it isn’t moslem they want it dead and gone. Their book commands it.

    They always have and they always will, regardless of your ‘coexist’ bumper sticker.

  8. like other Arab women, she had her Charlie lima India tango cut out at 14, so she wouldn’t achieve orgasm and thus not be tempted to adultery. Having never had one has made her mean.


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