Tlaib: Pelosi Has to ‘Be Aware’ We Are Women of Color When She Targets Us – IOTW Report

Tlaib: Pelosi Has to ‘Be Aware’ We Are Women of Color When She Targets Us

WFB: Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich) accused Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) of singling out the “squad” of female progressive Democrats in the House.

Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, appeared on CBS This Morningfor an interview that aired Wednesday alongside other members of the “squad,” which includes Reps. Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), and Ayanna Pressley (Mass.).

Co-host Gayle King  asked Ocasio-Cortes whether she was speaking with Pelosi, prompting her to say their teams were in communication about setting up a potential meeting.

“Shouldn’t  it be a face-to-face?” King asked.

Ocasio-Cortez said she agrees and then Tlaib interjected in an attempt to shield Ocasio-Cortez, saying they are “new members of congress.” She then said she was “very protective” of Ocasio-Cortez, prompting King to fire back.

“With all due respect, she doesn’t need protection,” King said.

26 Comments on Tlaib: Pelosi Has to ‘Be Aware’ We Are Women of Color When She Targets Us

  1. Seems to me these Congress wimmin are doing more to alienate potential supporters than they are bringing in new supporters. This could be a ploy to try and get someone to do something stupid thinking that will cause the hammer to come down on the right. And if they have to martyr a couple……well, praise allah.

  2. Unfortunately Omar’s 5th district includes little Mogadishu here in MN. No way she loses if the Somalis vote, and they will. That is at least 100 – 150K votes, plus fraud votes. It was Keith Ellison’s district before he became AG of MN. (spit!)

  3. This “—- of color” shit has become a joke. No one cares what color you bitches are. We only care that you a anti American, traitorous, and befouling our Government with your progressive, communist filth.

  4. How many times are they going to remind us “they’re women of color”?

    Yeah, the self designated “squad” didn’t think that one through. The possibilities are limitless.

    Quad Broad Squad
    Jihad Squad

    keep it going… the winner is invited to an All You Can Eat BBQ @ Conservative Cowgirl’s house

  5. Not taking up for Nan Fran at all,,,
    Woman of color name their babies after product commercials on ‘The View’ ,,
    Kaopectate is an aspiring rapper,,
    aren’t they all,,,

  6. Speaking of Freshman Congresswomen Of Color, I see at the link that my FCOC, Lucy McBath, just accepted the maximum donation from Jane Fonda. First I’ve heard of her in the news since Election Day. Thanks to the four big-mouths, people are starting to notice the rest of the freshman Dems. Lucy McBath would have been content to run silent, run deep until next year. That is no longer an option. Hey Rashida, can you come to GA-6 and be “very protective” of Lucy McBath?

  7. Every time you tap ’em with the reflex hammer they have the same knee-jerk response: They try to kick you in the balls with RACISM!!
    It’s the only response they seem to know!
    Welcome to the members of the new committee to re-elect Donald J. Trump!

  8. Black & White are not colors … they are the absence of color

    neither are people … they’re just shades of pigment

    … it’s like ‘science’ … & stuff

  9. This Grouper-face makes me mad.
    Looks like something from about five thousand feet down in the ocean.
    Unfortunately I have the feeling these pukes are making way for Michelle Oboingo to sweep in and be the voice of ‘Moderation’
    If weapons grade whitey-hating is moderate

  10. So, we are now going back to ‘colored’ people then?? And what about this ‘woman’ shit? I was told that was not okay.

    These imbeciles need to get their PC language correct.

    My 99 year old irish grandmother, RIP, dead many years now, use to refer to them as ‘da colords’.

    @ BFH – find a ‘blacks only’ toilet or fountain or an entrance to an old building that has separate users, Boys / Girls. Put the mugs up on it in your creative way.

    Found one:

    Womyn of Color = Colored Woman, these Communists get more and more creative everyday and they, and their constituents, are dangerous.

  11. What the fcuk is the difference between “women of color” and “colored women?”

    I’m seriously having a hard time with this. Does the reversing of one word for the other and adding the word of, really change the meaning? Or is this some crazy feminist shit where when you put the word women before color, it makes women stronger?

    Well then what about that colored part? You want to be recognized for that too, but not as much as being a woman?

    Well then, what the fcuk is the problem with racism? These women of color?

    I’ve known it for some time, but this shit right here. It’s when you know these four ham wallets are truly the minority.

  12. I was a radical leftist in my former life. Here’s the scoop. The word play/mind game used by marxists is to make target groups, like white men feel insecure, angry and confused. Also, to give racist minorities something to fuel their hatred.

    Please know this is a tactic used often by communists.
    The term, “Woman of Color” has no real meaning. All humanity is “colored”. As conservatives we should stay focused on the fact, the left are liars. They must be called out, like President Trump has done.

  13. The democrats own the fact that there are millions of brown-skinned morons in this country who think that calling someone a racist is an easy way to get away with acting like a total asshole. And they will pay for this.

  14. ” ‘be aware’ we are women of color” is total BS as a reason to be exempted from being called out for their stupid, dangerous statements.
    But, otoh, it’s kind of fun seeing the democrat leadership being forced to eat the ‘race card’ pages out of their own democrat strategy book.

  15. So Cortez has people to arrange a meeting with Pelosi??? Like her or hate her, Pelosi is the goddamn speaker of the House. If she wants to meet with you, she has that right. Third in line for the presidency. AOC needs a good “come to Jesus” moment about how the House of Representatives works. But as we all know, this is Nancy’s fault from the get-go anyway.

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