To Address The Loneliness Epidemic, The Feds Want To Control Your Town And Friends – IOTW Report

To Address The Loneliness Epidemic, The Feds Want To Control Your Town And Friends

Federalist- The project is potentially so massive in scope, it’s not an overstatement to say it threatens to regulate our freedom of association in shocking ways.

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently released an advisory titled “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation.” It warns that social isolation is a major public health problem. The 81-page document presents six government-directed “pillars” of action to address the health hazards of social isolation.

On the surface, these six directives may look innocuous, but they present a clear and present danger to the autonomy of our private lives and relationships. The project is potentially so massive in scope that it’s not an overstatement to say it threatens to regulate our freedom of association in ways we never could have imagined.

Let’s look in greater depth at those pillars and the risks they pose.

23 Comments on To Address The Loneliness Epidemic, The Feds Want To Control Your Town And Friends

  1. I would say that’s why this site is popular. It gives us the chance to express ourselves. I have only one thing to say to Vivek Murthy and the rest of the “do gooders.” Mind your own f#$king business.

  2. I do not need the friggin federal government or any other govt. agency to tell me how to live. I have been single since my wife died 10 years ago and will probably be single for the rest of my life. My youngest daughter lives with me and we have a cat and a dog. I can take care of myself, and I am a good cook, can get around well enough with no problems. I have my son and 3 of my grandkids nearby and see them often, I have lots of friends that I have known for most of my adult life. Lots of books to read and I can keep myself busy and I am happy and content for the most part with who I am and have accepted being single. I don’t need any nanny or ninny watching over me telling what I can and can’t do. Sometimes I feel like I’m a hermit, but it suits me fine and I still look forward to the challenges of each new day that God has given me. And I let God take care of all the big stuff and the small stuff as well. And I really don’t but pay minimal attention to all the cares of this crazy world anymore because all that does is make me anxious and pisses me off. So, all you gubmint busybodies, leave me the hell alone, I don’t want or need your interference, thank you.

  3. “I do not need the friggin federal government or any other govt. agency to tell me how to live”

    This is a continuing effort to destroy the burbs. They want us all stacked in one spot so we’re easier to control. Who started this 15 minute city bull shit? The WEF assholes.

  4. The government made people put on masks, don’t socialize, don’t go out in large groups, quarantine yourself for your health. Now they want to help do the opposite of all that. The government is not our friend!

  5. suck dick, gubmint-dindus. you’ll probably be safe if you stay 25′ away, hands empty/open, don’t reach for anything, don’t yibba-yabba into hidden obiden-spy phone. otherwise, take your chances.

  6. Love the crap about: “mobilize the health sector by expanding public health surveillance and interventions.” So if I battle loneliness by going to the local Watering Hole where Everybody Knows Your Name will that trigger “health interventions” because I’m “unhealthily” drinking BEER ???

  7. But….you’ll die alone. I have news for you – everyone dies alone. It’s kind of a personal thing regardless of whether or not anyone else is in the room with you.

    Besides, I enjoy being with myself much of the time. Frequently, other people annoy me and even more frequently I annoy other people. If I am lonely, I can call people, or visit people, or just go to a tavern and socialize over a beer or 20. I’m not much into the herd mentality, so following the crowd isn’t really my thing.

    I’m at a point in my career where I spend time just chatting with people who want to chat for a while. We tell jokes or dirty stories or just bitch about things beyond our control – and it’s all good. But I don’t want or need the government forcing me to “stop being lonely” – I’m not.

  8. This is simply the logical extension of the crap the Dept. of Education has been indoctrinating our kids with through Obama’s Hopey-Changey inspired Common Core (now applied from birth to post-graduate). It was never about academics, in fact, they frown on academic prowess. It was always about making more compliant citizens, or more specifically, citizens of the world.

  9. Don’t have to read very far to get to the troubling parts –

    “It defines “social infrastructure” as the regular events and institutions that make up community life, and says the federal government should both fund local organizations and DIRECT HOW THEY’RE STRUCTURED, INCLUDING THEIR LOCATIONS.”

    “The report expresses concern that some people have better access to such locations than other people, and recommends federal interventions.”

  10. I agree with all the comments here.

    I am a half-hermit now, and someday I’ll be a full hermit unless I go before the wife. I am happy being by myself and reading my books. FEDS F*CK OFF and get lost.

  11. I concur with all of the comments above; no need for me to repeat them except for one sentiment:

    F*** Off Federal government and any local governments complicit in this level of control. Just F*** OFF and leave me be.

  12. CrackerFJBbaby,

    Heh. I can usually manage a couple hours before I start growling and snarling at passerby. However, remember THAT particular experience was in a group of other IOTW Report-ers – much easier for me when I’m around decent folk. You guys were great, even though I had terminal social anxiety.

    Perhaps all this time behind enemy lines is making me worse than I would otherwise be.

    Still don’t want no gubmint telling me who when and where.


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