‘To Hell with Jeff Sessions’ – IOTW Report

‘To Hell with Jeff Sessions’

Breitbart: Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” nationally syndicated radio Mark Levin argued that what the Mueller investigation had revealed was not Russian conclusion in the 2016 presidential election, but that the greatest perpetrator against the American people was the federal government.

Levin argued for President Donald Trump to appoint a commission to clean up agencies within the intelligence community and that it should be done regardless of what Attorney General Jeff Sessions says.

“I would also tell him, and I’ve said this before myself — we need to fix this,” he said. “We can’t have in another election where the federal government, our United States government, is interfering with an election. And so, what I think the president needs to do to appoint a commission of five or seven people … top-notch men from prior administrations and women, and appoint them and say fix the FBI at the top, fix the CIA, fix intelligence agencies. We can’t allow it to happen to another president of the United States. To hell with, sorry Jeff, with Jeff Sessions and all of the other people. The president should take responsibility. You are talking about spies in the Trump administration. You’re talking about a failed FISA court. This is incredible stuff.”

16 Comments on ‘To Hell with Jeff Sessions’

  1. Scr*w Mark Levin.

    If he really thinks Trump would leave Sessions on the job if he had the SLIGHTEST inkling he wasn’t doing his job (or worse), Trump would fire him.

  2. Levin does have a point though, because more Americans than ever are realizing exactly what has gone wrong (good thing) but, as far as anyone can really see, little if anything is being done about it (not a good thing). He and they have a right to be angry and worried and losing patience.

  3. Mark Levin is an entertainer. One that makes my ass crave ice water. Fuck him, fuck his hugely variable opinion, his screeching, throw shit from the high branches delivery of his spew, his try anything to remain relevant.

    He is not a serious person and I discount out of hand anything he promulgates.

    Hannity is damn near the same, and Rush has degenerated into a repetitive doddering ass that hasn’t bothered to update his shtick since Feburary.

    They should all be ashamed. They have an audience. They have all abused that forum.

  4. top-notch men from prior administrations and women

    Summon the Party Prinxesses! Offer them laurels (and thirty pieces of gold) if they’ll tell the proles that The Party has fixed The Party. That all Party members in good standing are Good™ Party members. So the proles can choose between the Party members selected by the Party, and the Party members selected by the Party. In the free and democratic election(s), staged and judged, by The Party. Same as It Never Was™.

  5. From Anon: “Summon the Party Prinxesses! Offer them laurels (and thirty pieces of gold) if they’ll tell the proles that The Party has fixed The Party. That all Party members in good standing are Good™ Party members. So the proles can choose between the Party members selected by the Party, and the Party members selected by the Party. In the free and democratic election(s), staged and judged, by The Party. Same as It Never Was™.

    You asshole. Unbiased observations of the mechanism will not be allowed. Conform. Comply. There is no man behind the curtain. There is no curtain.

  6. Ultimately, it will fall to us! We need much rope. The sooner these treasonous bastards are swinging from limbs, the better.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. I love how we throw our own protagonists under the bus when they don’t tow the line to the letter.
    I’m talking about Levin, Hannity, & Rush.

    I’m thinking we would be a lot more fucked without them.

    But go ahead Lowell, burn this motherfucker to the ground!

  8. Our last conservative President. “The government can not solve our problems …. THE GOVERNMENT IS OUR PROBLEM!”!

    Jefferson said this over 1,000 times between 1770 + 1799. Prior to 1790 he gave credit to “The wolrd’s great mathematician J. Locke”.

    Government in all societies through out history has been the enemy of “little people”; but friend of “their betters”!

  9. @Lowell ~ not meaning to pick a fight, but Hannity, early on was the only one on Fox that was supporting Trump.
    Limbaugh is getting long in the tooth & half his show is informercials for Apple & other products that he shills & he was not an early Trump supporter (many of us weren’t), but he’s defended Trump for a long time now & has some gems, as last week when he devoted a long segment to the Deep State collusion.
    Levin, was never a Trump supporter, probably still isn’t … but he knows injustice when he sees it & has become a staunch defender of him, more so than Dershowitz, who’s also probably not a supporter.

    they’re all imperfect, but they’re on our side … w/ Levin, better late than never

  10. The problem is that none of them — Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, etc. — have any real power to do anything. They’re just like the oversight committees in the congress. Used to be that the court of public opinion, led by opinion makers, could do something. Not anymore, really.

  11. Seems to me that these agencies are over due for a clean sweep. We have no idea how many other times they had a finger in other elections. Why didn’t more heads roll in the IRS Lois Learner crime?? As long as the same folks are at the reins the same will happen again. Sorry, my feelings have nothing to do with Levin, its the bad core of the US government that worries me. The FBI’s and DOJ’s dark side has to come to an end SOON!

  12. @Zorro, if you’re willing to broaden that to every selfish asshole that is employed for a lifetime by government, I’m with you.
    They have no clue how private citizens have carried them by outworking them and patiently enduring their self-righteous generous entitlements.

  13. All Fellow Patriots and IOTW posters and posers,

    No let’s not burn this one down @ Loco Ya mean like the ship itself we are on? THAT is chaos and anarchy.

    In fighting within the unit is NOT A GOOD THING. Yeah we all have an opinion and an asshole. @ Lowell not calling you one.

    I have been listening to ML FOREVER. Brilliant fierce no holds bar bare knuckle fighter that we need as this most critical time in this now Unstable Republic. We ARE in an effing storm on the high sea right now no land in sight.

    Yeah, he was for Cruz. SO WHAT, that was for the primaries. HE defends the POTUS, everyday, against the absolute attack from every flank POTUS receives…everyday!

    THAT said ML is, I think, WRONG on this one. I could be wrong? JS just maybe crazy like a fox…we’ll see.


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