To Hell With the Queens English! Let’s Talk Google – IOTW Report

To Hell With the Queens English! Let’s Talk Google

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:
According to a report at Breitbart, leaked material from Google provided a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the tech giant’s own 1984 feature rolled out to users of Google Docs that suggests woke-approved replacements for words.

Google announced the feature’s rollout in April, but gave scant details about how it operated, except to say that it would flag “discriminatory and inappropriate language” to users and recommend more “inclusive” alternatives.

Google is using the feature to push woke ideology on business users, nudging them away from language that points to basic realities that undermine far-left identitarian politics, such as the existence of two separate genders.

Examples in the report show code screenshots of Google’s curated list of non-woke words and their woke replacements, such as replacing “manhole” with “maintenance hole”. I shit you not. 

18 Comments on To Hell With the Queens English! Let’s Talk Google

  1. It’s how the Leftists control culture, through language.
    That is how important speech is. It’s the evil one’s poor yet effective mimicry and mockery of the One True God’s Word.

    It is appeasement to fall in line with the evil one’s desires to force cultural change simply in order to “get along” with such evil intent. Don’t shrug “mere words” off. They aren’t “mere.”

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God” ~ Genesis

    Words are important.

  2. If you have to ignore, sidestep and twist plain concepts:

    Immutable, unchanging, eternal
    does not lie or change His mind AS MEN DO
    Has One means to weigh and measure (judge) and it is eternal and perfect
    One covenant people
    Cyclic History
    Messiah Prophet likened unto Moses, would speak ONLY that which YHWH (I change not) gave Him to speak
    Torah (“law”) of YHWH = Torah of Moses = Torah of Messiah
    much more…

    Invent or usurp words to shoehorn your theology:

    “jesus” for Yeshua/Yahshua/Yahoushua (Salvation/YAH will save)
    “christ” for Messiah/Annointed
    “sunday” for THE Sabbath, the Eternal sign for YHWH’s covenanted people, to all generations, native born or grafted in
    “christian” for Messianic, biblical Hebraic “faith” in the promised Hebrew/Jewish Seed/King of Israel (not rabbinic judaism)
    “church” for Qahal/Ekklesia – THE called out assembly is Israel/Jacob’s tent (not the secular nation)
    “convert[ed]” for Repent or turn (Teshuva) from evil (lawless/sin) and towards YHWH
    “easter” for Passover/Pesach
    “pentecost” for Shavuot or YHWH’s feast of weeks
    “baptism” for Immersion / Mikvah ie Yochannan (“john”) the Immerser
    there are more…

    Then you NEED to question your doctrine. We ALL need to continually test our own understanding against His Word.

    All religion speaks (loudly) as the Harlot Queen, proclaiming that they shall see no suffering (Rev 18:7). Yet not one of the empty and vain platitudes of religion has the power to convict your soul in the sins which we all walk, to cause you to change the way you think, act, react and [re]turn to His eternal, unchanging Way. Is it religion I should trust or YHWH? We must pray to our Saviour that we might be counted worthy to escape the trial to come upon the whole world (Luke 21:36; Rev 3:10).

    I am fully cognisant that I do not have complete/full understanding of every aspect of His Eternal Way. It would take a lifetime of lifetimes to scratch the surface of the depth, width and height of YHWH. But, the macro view of who He is, expressed in progressive revelation from Genesis to Malachi, is undeniable. This view is even codified to the highest level within the writings of the Apostles. There is a veritable tsunami of His Word vs man’s religion. That which is most popular with the “professing believers” has always been the furtherest from His Word. Creation is a faint shadow copy of the kingdom and mankind is Satan, still fallen by pride and covetousness, twisting YHWH’s Word to fit our desires. Elevating any doctrine or tradition above His Word is tantamount to placing yourself on the throne instead of Him.

  3. @AbigailAdams

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God” ~ Genesis

    Your quote is John 1:1 😉

    Words are indeed important. That’s why “all were destroyed” in Noah’s day, Lot’s day and the day that the Son of Man is revealed is important (Luke 17:26-30). All who will experience His wrath will be destroyed. That is the fate of all who reject His free gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice this side of the Rapture. No second chance after that.

  4. 1harpazo — Thank you for the correction! I was up at about 2:30a when I commented and although I know it’s from John 1:1, I was thinking of what the gospel was referencing; Genesis (which was closer to my point). Thanks again and God bless and keep you.


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