To Protect Kids We Need To Fire A Lot Of Teachers – IOTW Report

To Protect Kids We Need To Fire A Lot Of Teachers

Townhall | Derek Hunter: Thank God for the Twitter account “Libs of TikTok.” Whoever the anonymous woman running that account is, she’s doing the Lord’s work when it comes to exposing the general public to the entitled brats now working as teachers in the public school system across the country. It’s hilarious and horrifying all at once, and something needs to be done about it if we’re going to stand a chance of returning to sanity in this country. A lot of teachers, and I mean a lot of them, need to be tossed out on their asses, and soon.

What Christopher Rufo did to expose Critical Race Theory, Libs of TikTok is doing to expose what leftists are fighting to turn our schools into – a gender-bending science experiment where “progressives” seem to be doing and saying things about gender simply to see if they can get away with it. Horrifyingly, they have been able to, at least so far.

If you’re some demented, entitled weirdo with more metal pieces in your face than in your car, there’s a good chance you have a TikTok account. The Communist Chinese spy app is heroin for narcissists with a desperate need for external validation. You’d have to be an idiot to use something China created to spy on you with, hence why so many of these “TikTok celebrities” have an IQ just south of their shoe size. more here

16 Comments on To Protect Kids We Need To Fire A Lot Of Teachers

  1. Based on my (maybe unique) personal experience this has been true for 70 years. Ronny tried to rectify the problem 8 straight years with VOUCHERS. A liberal named Doel killed it 98 years in a row.

    Reason #4 why I dod not vote for Bob!

  2. Makes you wonder if these people are actually mentally sick, or that they are acting together in concert towards the total destruction of the United States of America (“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” ― Vladimir Lenin).

  3. ‘Public schools’ started out hundreds of years ago as collaborations between parents to benefit their kids.

    Politicians glommed onto the idea and argued it was the only way to ‘educate the masses.’ Do it for the children.

    Thus, Government-run – i.e., politicallty-run – schools became the de facto standard in the U.S. because the broader culture bought the fallacious notion.

    And with it, primary and secondary ‘educators’ ceased being regarded as professionals and the curriculum became politically-based.

    Ask yourself if any of the many levels of our governments are competent enough to take over ANY profession. I’ll wait…

    Then consider then it’s time for a new paradigm where teachers become professionals again and governments stay out of parent’s business.

    Nah, I’m not waiting. I’ll be dead first.

  4. To protect our kids we need to end public schools or at least end all federal spending on public schools.
    Constitional amendment
    Congress shall not, fund direct, impose or mandate any public education policy upon the states, nor shall Congress bribe or coerce any such policy upon any state.
    Except as a benifit of employment with the federal government, or veteran status,Congress shall not fund or guarantee any funds for education to any individual.

  5. Those are NOT teachers.
    Have you seen the Products that they are releasing into the Public.
    Most are totally unmarketable, overly sensitive, & can not solve problems on their own.

  6. They don’t end because parents won’t take their kids out of them. Much like everything in this country, the way to fix it is for people to take back their power, but they won’t do it.

    In my opinion you don’t give two shits about your kid if you send them to public school, almost on a daily basis teachers are caught molesting kids or having sex with teenagers(for me that is still rape) or caught selling drugs to kids, caught showing them porn, caught teaching them they’re gay or the opposite sex or physically abusing them.

    If I was Queen for a day it would be child abuse to send your kid to public school.

  7. An educated populace benefits society, and is a worthwhile endeavor. Unfortunately, our education system is so corrupted it can’t be salvaged in it’s present form, it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

  8. None of this could go on without parents allowing it.

    We’ve had two years now of a headsup since Covid commenced and schools began to be virtual. I accept that there are parents who cannot afford to stay home to homeschool, cannot afford private school, and/or are unqualified themselves to teach even the basics, and cannot figure out how to join with other parents to forge a community solution.

    But surely, this cannot be the majority.

    20-odd years ago, we homeschooled our kids. Yanked them out for far less urgent reasons. For what is going on now I would have lived in a dirt-floor shack and eaten nothing but beans. Without hesitation I would take a bullet for any of my children (and by the way, that would be to this day, even though they’re all grown and in the military!) So I simply cannot fathom what is wrong with parents who would let their little children be abused and likely permanently damaged by these cretins.

    Teachers cannot be easily fired, true. (And it’s also the administration, which for decades now equal teachers in number.) But schools get money per pupil. They can be starved out.

    Apparently the brainwashing has gone on for so long that the young parents themselves are too often the product of our sick culture.


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