To understand the COVID vaccine and the delta variant, check out the chickens – IOTW Report

To understand the COVID vaccine and the delta variant, check out the chickens

American Thinker:

By Pandra Selivanov

After being promised that mRNA vaccines were game-changers that would safely and effectively end the pandemic, a new wave of uncertainty has descended upon the world with the rise of the delta variant.  Vaccinated people are falling ill with breakthrough infections of delta.

We first started hearing about the delta variant of COVID-19 in March 2021.  At that time, breakthrough infections among the fully vaccinated were rare.  Five months later, large numbers of vaccinated people are coming down with breakthrough infections.  Provincetown, Massachusetts had an outbreak after the Fourth of July where three-fourths of 469 infections were among vaccinated people.  What’s even worse is the growing evidence that vaccinated people can spread delta just as much as unvaccinated people.

Meanwhile, we are told the shots are working and that the only reason there are large numbers of breakthrough infections is that there are large numbers of vaccinated people.  I would have thought a game-changing vaccine that is safe and effective would result in fewer infections, let alone infection from a dangerous new variant that is just as contagious in the vaccinated as the unvaccinated.  That’s what I would have thought, but now I’m thinking about Marek’s disease.

h/t NAAC

11 Comments on To understand the COVID vaccine and the delta variant, check out the chickens

  1. But but but… if there remains no way to isolate a specific bug and no way to actually test for said bug, why do we discuss it? I spent the weekend with family which included a child who, yesterday “tested” positive for the coof. If I die in the next week, I will let you know.

  2. Putting ever more of these new technology vaccines into the arms of ever younger people scares the heck out of me.
    I am a bit older, so I hope the long term effects are minimal for me.
    But who knows what diseases, what blood cancers will be caused by the mRNA vaccines, 50 or 60 years from now, hitting the young folks now taking the shot?
    – Answer: NO ONE

  3. Anonymous — Where do you get your info, CNN?

    Ivermectin has been listed for years by the WHO (and CDC?) among the top ten “essential” drugs. It’s NOT just for parasites in farm animals (it is used on ALL animals, not just horses and cows). And not just for parasites.

  4. “The reason why so many DeathJabbed people are pushy and adamant about you getting the DeathJab too, is because deep-down they fear that they made a stupid mistake and don’t want to be alone with their freely-chosen error. If they go down, you have to go down with them. It’s inconceivable and enraging to them that you made the right choice and they did not. They followed “the scientism”. You HAVE to be wrong. Even if you are right, you MUST be DeathJabbed too so that everyone suffers equally.”

    Ann Barnhardt


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