Tom Brokaw Argues That Hispanics Should ‘Work Harder At Assimilation,’ Pays A Heavy Price On Twitter – IOTW Report

Tom Brokaw Argues That Hispanics Should ‘Work Harder At Assimilation,’ Pays A Heavy Price On Twitter

Everybody hates Tom.

DC: Tom Brokaw paid a steep price on Twitter for calling on Hispanics in the United States to “work harder at assimilation.”

The former NBC anchor’s comments came during a Sunday “Meet the Press” panel on the topic of what could bring Americans together.

Brokaw said:

A lot of this we don’t want to talk about but the fact is on the Republican side, a lot of people see the rise of an extraordinary important new constituency in American politics, Hispanics, who will come here and all be Democrats. I hear when I push people harder, I don’t know whether I want brown grand babies. That’s also a part of it. It’s the intermarriage that’s going on and the cultures that are conflicting with each other. I also happen to believe that the Hispanics should work harder at assimilation. That’s one of the things that I’ve been saying for a long time, that they ought not to be codified in their communities but make sure that all of their kids are learning to speak English and they feel comfortable in the communities. And that’s going to take outreach on both sides, frankly.


26 Comments on Tom Brokaw Argues That Hispanics Should ‘Work Harder At Assimilation,’ Pays A Heavy Price On Twitter

  1. “I hear when I push people harder, I don’t know whether I want brown grand babies. That’s also a part of it. It’s the intermarriage that’s going on and the cultures that are conflicting with each other.”

    You never heard anything like that, you lying piece of shit.
    That was just to cover your flat ass about the rest of the statement you made.


  2. Run Tom! See Tom run. Tom sees brown people. Tom speaks the truth about brown people. Tom discovers that the truth hurts brown people. Tom can not hurt brown people. It hurts Tom to hurt brown people. Tom is not one of the Greatest Generation. Run Tom! Run!

  3. Keep lying Tom, as you approach your meeting with your Maker. That’ll make it simpler for Him to judge you.
    He won’t have to take into account any last minute contrition for your entire career of ‘journalism’.

  4. A lot to cover here. I’m confused why he’s picking on the Mehicans.

    ““I hear when I push people harder, I don’t know whether I want brown grand babies. ”

    I’m with MJA on that one. Calling bull shit. However I think it’s natural for most races to want to carry on their heritage.

    In the west, every other street and restaurant is named after a Mex. Your traditional Mexican is Catholic, a hard worker, loyal to their families, and makes bitchen Tamales for Christmas. Great people. Unfortunately Mexico is out of those people and all that’s left is MS-13 and Cartel killers.
    If tommy wanted to address assimilation he should have addressed the Mooslem population. Even the Cubans in Florida. All around a stupid statement.

  5. When they are finished with their careers of bullshiting people. Cronkite, Rather, Brokaw, and so many others, they let their hair down and let us know who they really are. Fuck the lot of them. Thank God for Rush, the two Marks and others who tell us the truth.
    And thank God for President Trump, IOTW< Truth Revolt, Intellectual Froglegs, Mr Pinko, and many others. Fuck Brokaw.

  6. This was a shot at the Republicans and it blew up on him big time.
    “And that’s going to take outreach on both sides, frankly”.
    If he would have left that part off, the left would have loved it.

  7. So when is the WOODSHED apology coming?

    Or is he going to first delete the comment, reclarify, then finally give up and apologize? I’m not following this story, but I know the outcome.

  8. I’d be happier if Americans worked harder at becoming latinxs. “Los Blancos”. “MS-00” (“Main Street Double Aughts”). Keeping all the money. Ruling the government (that’s allowed to survive). Getting all the gender non-binary wymyns (see how easy that one was, already?).

  9. Why would they “work” to assimilate?
    They come here for free shit.
    Sitting on their lazy asses getting paid, legal fees, welfare, no taxes, food stamps, free medical care, and access to a swimming pool – so – what would be the point of assimilating?
    Work like a dog 60 to 70 hrs. a week to have the Gov take half your pay to give to the fucking parasites? THAT don’t make much sense!

    Keep blathering bullshit, Mr. Brokaw.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. What MJA said. ^^^^ That’s what they tell themselves we’d say, but you’d be hard pressed to find a conservative that would say any such thing. I’ve never heard anyone on the right use the phrase “brown people.” To me, that makes leftists sound both racist and condescending. Which of course they are.

  11. I don’t think that the non-English-speaking hispanics, or the just-a-little-English-speaking hispanics need to make sure their kids are proficient in English. The kids will do it to fit in. I have seen it time and time again. The parents’ refusal to assimilate (in English) is the problem, at least as far as the legals are concerned. The most pressing problem is that the lack of a proper wall and aggressive action against invasion acts as a magnet for invasion, aided and abetted by the Ruling Class offering untold rewards (welfare, education, medication, legal representation) to ALL who crash out borders or overstay their visas and vacations here.

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