Tom Brokaw called out for half-baked Richard Jewell mea culpa, ‘historical revisionism’ isn’t going to cut it – IOTW Report

Tom Brokaw called out for half-baked Richard Jewell mea culpa, ‘historical revisionism’ isn’t going to cut it


In a sloppily written tweet as slipshod and slovenly as his so-called “journalism,” left-wing NBC reporter Tom Brokaw kind of expressed remorse Wednesday for the role he had played in smearing and nearly ruining the life of Richard Jewell, who died in 2007 from complications of diabetes.

After the Centennial Olympic Park bombing at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, the media jumped to conclusions, as usual, and falsely blamed the domestic terror attack on the very security guard, Richard Jewell, responsible for saving lives during the horrific attack.

One of those who participated in Jewell’s smearing was Brokaw, who at the time served as the anchor of “NBC Nightly News.” read more

12 Comments on Tom Brokaw called out for half-baked Richard Jewell mea culpa, ‘historical revisionism’ isn’t going to cut it

  1. Same guy who mumbled on TV about electing a dude (0bama) and we know nothing about him. But he himself never bothered to investigate that.

    Or hey, maybe help the FBI / CIA by writing up a bullshit dossier and sending it to McCain so that 0bama could be investigated. Ah but wait, that’s only done to Conservative candidates.
    GFY with a coat hanger. Asshole.

  2. It would be one thing if Brokaw was merely a news reader, but he was the head honcho who decided what stories would be reported on and from what angle.

    This media douche conspired with our rogue leftist FBI to create a false narrative. A big lie.

    Fortunately we don’t have that illicit media/swamp government collusion today.


    Our eye wasn’t sharp enough to realize the corruption back then. Or when Clinton’s AG, Janet Reno, Incinerated the Branch Davidians in Waco.

    Back in those days, before I realized that Brokaw was a devious liberal manipulator of public opinion, I was hating on the Branch Davidians, as Brokaw wished it.

    After receiving further information on the brokaw/jennings/rather cult, my ire has shifted.

  3. It’s a good thing we have Clint Eastwood to rectify the smearing of an innocent man who protected people for minimal pay only to pass well before his time.

    It is one of the few movies that I will BUY to add to my permanent library to re-watch once in a while, just like the Tillman story.

  4. @kcir. I need to see that movie.
    All of a sudden the other side of Hollywood is producing lots of movies I must see.

    Ford v. Ferrari
    Last Full Measure

    There are two Hollywoods now. I like that.

  5. A sick, sick, sick man. No conscience at all — to ruin the life of an heroic man and put him though such hell. He should have been sued into the abyss so hard he was scared shitless to ever open his piehole again to give an opinion or even tell someone the time of day. Lower than whale dung.

  6. PHenry

    Very good analysis and those pigs are guilty

    Just as guilty are the networks they worked for
    and the

    Honcho PIGS who to this day still run

    The MSM

    The anchormen are guilty
    but just as guilty are the

    The MSM networks themselves.


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