Tom Cotton Believes Chuck Schumer Is Behind Ford’s Leaked Letter – IOTW Report

Tom Cotton Believes Chuck Schumer Is Behind Ford’s Leaked Letter

Daily Caller:

Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas accused Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Tuesday of being involved in the operation to leak Christine Blasey Ford’s letter to the public.

“I believe the Schumer political operation was behind this from the very beginning,” Cotton told conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt during his radio show.

Ford wrote Democratic lawmakers a letter in July accusing Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct more than 35 years ago. During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in September, Ford said she did not authorize the letters release, despite it being made public.

“We learned last week that a woman named Monica McLean was Ms. Ford’s roommate and she was one of the so-called ‘beach friends’ that encouraged Ms. Ford to go to [Sen.] Dianne Feinstein and the partisan Democrats on the judiciary committee,” Cotton continued. “It just so happens that Monica McLean worked for Preet Bharara, the former U.S. attorney in Manhattan, now a virulent anti-Trump critic on television and former counsel to Chuck Schumer.”

Bharara has been an outspoken detractor of President Donald Trump, even promulgating the case of obstruction against the president. He was also considered to be a protege of the New York senator.  read more

19 Comments on Tom Cotton Believes Chuck Schumer Is Behind Ford’s Leaked Letter

  1. plausible – Schmuckles rallied his ‘troops’ since Day 1 of the Kavanaugh nomination, way back on July 10
    … it’s no stretch to think this idiot orchestrated the whole theater production from the get-go … no wonder it blew up in their faces

  2. The whole affair was calculated and planned from the get-go. All orchastrated and timed for maximum effect by the dems. It would be nice to know who did it, Schumer or Feinstein, just so they would look even stupider than they do now.

  3. It’s so obvious that this pathetic, severely repressed, survivor of a horrendous sexual assault by somebody once upon a time in a suburb far, far away in a land that time must have surely forgotten, had to have some professional assistance recalling her youthful memories. Somehow, they couldn’t help her remember any details except the names of her assailants and that fateful single beer. After all, the stupid thing only has three or four college degrees, and she couldn’t even read the Palo Alto University’s online guide for faculty and students that listed how to contact the two worthless Senators that represent the ignoramuses that attend this campus. My money is on DiFi and Smucker.

  4. I’m thinking Chucky gave the go-ahead; Dem Senators don’t dare shit without his permission.

    And yes, that whole shit-show, beginning to end, has Chucky’s fingerprints all over it.

  5. Trump has given these republican politicians courage to speak out. We are beginning to rout the enemy and every soldier feels it.

    Time to have a white flag burning party cuz i think the R’s are done surrendering.

  6. Oh come on now,
    Are you trying to tell me that an underhanded prick like


    Is behind the leak of Dr. Ford’s letter which led to her embarrassment and destruction of her integrity for the momentary ” triumph ” of the smellocrats ?

  7. @Snorky1: Kinky and I once had a long conversation behind the Texas Opry House (which I have related here once before, quite some time ago) after one of his performances. He undoubtedly wouldn’t recall it now because we were both snockered on Lone Star Beer (which I hated, but hey, he was buying). Plus it was back in the 70’s, so who remembers that?

    But I do.

  8. Vietvet – So many good times are not remembered by all involved, yet will never be forgotten. Those are the best ones that still make you smile and are grateful for. Awesome time it was for you I’m sure. Cheers!

  9. Snorky1: This was shortly after Kinky, who was probably at the height of his popularity at the time, had appeared on Saturday Night Live, in which he performed “Dear Abby”, an insipid song which I had never heard of before. With a few beers in me, I kinda jumped his shit about why he had picked such a wimpy new song for his national TV debut, rather than one of his tried and true hits. He said he was originally supposed to have done The Ballad of Charles Whitman, which they had even rehearsed, with John Belushi as the sniper picking off members of the audience during the song. At the last minute, the show’s producers got cold feet about the subject matter and substituted a more politically correct ballad instead.

    Typical Liberal career-ending bullshit.

  10. Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell.

    I’m guessing that this is another of the Swamp’s Open Secrets which everybody knows, but all the Media and Law “Enforcement” pretend NOT to know.
    Similar to Bill’s sexual abuses and HRC’s homosexual liaisons in the White House – the SS blabbed about it all over town but somehow the Media never caught wind of any of it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. If Monica McLean was ever a real friend to Christine Ford – her hatred of Trump overrode her friendship and made her more than willing to throw her friend to the ravenous democrat wolves.

    Beware of .. (those) .., who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

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