Tom Cotton: Media, Democrats ‘Astonished’ Federal Government Still Working – IOTW Report

Tom Cotton: Media, Democrats ‘Astonished’ Federal Government Still Working


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) this week ripped into critics of President Donald Trump who predicted a world of “chaos” under the new administration, and defended his muscular foreign policy stance.

“Some people, especially in the media and the Democratic Party, are astonished that we’re 18 days into the Trump administration, yet the federal government is still functioning,” he said in a wide-ranging speech on foreign policy at the American Enterprise Institute.

“World War III hasn’t broken out. America is still standing,” he said. “Perhaps our Constitution is more resilient than some believe, our people built of sturdier stuff than sugar candy, to borrow from Churchill. So resilient and sturdy, in fact, that our system can withstand the shock of a Republican presidency—even if the media can’t.”

Cotton cited one senator as saying Trump’s penchant for tweeting is “going to lead to chaos in our international relations.”

“I hate to break this to you: The world already is in chaos. The world already is unsettled. And I have more bad news: Barack Obama was the president for the last eight years, and it’s his actions that unsettled the world and spread chaos, not Donald Trump’s words,” he said.

11 Comments on Tom Cotton: Media, Democrats ‘Astonished’ Federal Government Still Working

  1. Obama’s endless government shut downs actually shut down nothing. They did enrich barricade builders but those were tossed aside by real Americans. A great American experience. I’ve got pics.

  2. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi so poorly managed the country over the last ten years they just can’t get their minds to see America wasn’t destroyed beyond repair.

    They’re like the person looking at an optical illusion drawing whose mind is stuck seeing only one image, and they can no get their mind to flip and see the other image. And they’re still set on reaching that goal.

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