Tom Cotton: ‘You Can’t Give Any Credibility’ To The Trump Dossier – IOTW Report

Tom Cotton: ‘You Can’t Give Any Credibility’ To The Trump Dossier

DC: A Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee cast doubt on the so-called Trump dossier on Monday, saying that he has yet to see evidence that the salacious document is credible.

The Republican, Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, also suggested that the dossier, compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, could have been financed either by a Democratic supporter of Hillary Clinton or by Russia’s intelligence services.

“I think you can’t give any credibility to it at this point, certainly not until we answer those questions, nor have I seen any reason to do so.” Cotton said at an event hosted by the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank. the rest

6 Comments on Tom Cotton: ‘You Can’t Give Any Credibility’ To The Trump Dossier

  1. C’mon Tom Cotton, I expect a better sound bite than that coming from you. I sure hope the swamp isn’t already affecting your willingness say something other than what is already known. DC ruins good people in short amount of time. I’m not saying Cotton is already ruined, but we have to keep our eye on him. I’m now convinced Sessions is ruined, and I had high expectations for him.

  2. Gee Tom, I hope you were more assertive on your wedding night.

    Must be something in republicans DNA which renders them incapable of sticking together in support of one of their own. (Lindsey & McCain exception to the rule).

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