Tom Cruise goes on another COVID-19 rant on movie set; five crew members quit – IOTW Report

Tom Cruise goes on another COVID-19 rant on movie set; five crew members quit

Just The News: Five crew members on Tom Cruise’s new “Mission: Impossible” movie have reportedly quit after the actor bellowed out a second, on set rant about COVID-19, according to a report.

The actor first blasted the crew Tuesday when he saw two staffers less than six feet apart. But his second rant prompted some crew members to quit, The Sun reported.

“The first outburst was big, but things haven’t calmed since. Tension has been building for months and this was the final straw. Since it became public there has been more anger and several staff have walked,” a source told the UK outlet. more

36 Comments on Tom Cruise goes on another COVID-19 rant on movie set; five crew members quit

  1. Tom Cruise. Isn’t he the nut job cultist who peddles that strange “religion”, Scientology?

    I watched a pretty good documentary about it. Bizarre. One of the strangest things I’ve ever seen.

    Yeah, like I’m going to feel sorry for a guy who has enough money to hire a life-long shrink and is too stupid to know he needs one.

    P.S. He’s not a good actor. He plays himself, like most of Hollywood’s “actors.”

  2. I kinda am on Cruise’s side.
    A couple of guys get the set shut down and hundreds of people lose their jobs.
    The crazy governor is already looking to impose his power. Don’t give him an excuse.

  3. This is a surreal world we’ve been stuck with. A great POTUS surrounded by old evil witches eating expensive ice cream and getting their hair done, insane liars deranged by Trump, congressmen who fuck Chinese spies and fart on TV, incompetent mayors and governors who surrender their cities and states to criminals, far left morons who want to give it all away, and a completely incompetent, corrupt, brain-addled failure elected fraudulently as our new leader, along with an ugly whore far left radical bitch who wants those of us who want to save America to die an ugly death because we have been declared to be the most hideous of all humans for standing for THE CONSTITUTION.

    Is this only a nightmare or are we done forever after all that has been done by our great patriots?

    This is the end.

  4. Mr. Anthony Ropy: Do you really think the good governor is going to shut down such an important industry of [s]fellow travellers [/s]important contributors to California’s economy?

  5. Some great pics on the Sun and Daily Mail show the EXTREME shoe lifts that must be in those mini-boot oxfords that TC wears in his film roles. The man must have feet like a ballerina that put him at least 3 to 4 inches above his normal five foot 5 or shorter height. I just think it’s amusing expecially since his last two wives were almost six feet tall. A real life Napolean complex?

  6. Cruise isn’t worried about the virus. He’s worried about the movie getting shutdown. He’s a prick. Yelling at people because they might cause somethin to happen to him that he doesn’t want.

  7. If there’s anything I’ve learned in my life it would be that MOST hollywood elites and political elites are phony ASSHOLES and get paid very well for portraying what they are not.

  8. OPEN COMMENT To Mr. Cruise

    You are a pretty good actor….
    Hamstrung with a foot in mouth issue.
    Which generates way too much Negative Notoriety.
    I am sure your at least 1 of your press agents has said as much.

    So unless you or your immediate family has a Underlay Medical condition, you don’t want the public to know about.

    Please take a Chill Pill (2005 ☺) and stick to Acting.

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