Tom Fitton Defends Rep. Gohmert in His Lawsuit Against VP Mike Pence to Resolve Election Results (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Tom Fitton Defends Rep. Gohmert in His Lawsuit Against VP Mike Pence to Resolve Election Results (VIDEO)

Georgia: Election witness speaks: ‘Abnormal 20,000 vote spike’ | NTD

“The steal is real and the Georgia electors belong to the president of the United States.”

Sidney Powell has released the Kraken to the public! Click this link to see the entire, 270-page Sidney Powell “Kraken” document:…

Via Doug TenNapel

Georgia citizens petition grand jury to investigate election irregularities (Dec. 29) | NTD

6 Comments on Tom Fitton Defends Rep. Gohmert in His Lawsuit Against VP Mike Pence to Resolve Election Results (VIDEO)

  1. My wife went to law school with Greg Jared, Hastings, 2 years ahead of her. She remembered him as not being real bright, more flash then substance.

    Much like law makers who vote against a bill, knowing damn well that it will pass without their support, just to show the folks back home that he has their back, Gohmert and all his GOP buddies know that Pence will not pull the trigger on this parliamentary trick, nor should he. If a court invalidated the electors, that’s one thing, they didn’t and he will be forced to recognize the duly certified electoral votes that will ratify Biden as president. Unless SCOTUS takes on a last minute case calling these votes in dispute, Trump is out.

    Cheaters should never win, here they did.

  2. So the kraken documents, that’s a steamy pile of legal gobbledygook. I don’t see that it even matters. The fix is in, no one seems excited to do anything about it. The courts have dismissed it at every procedural opportunity, never on merit. The Republicans don’t care if the Democrats win, so long as the gravy train keeps on rolling. The Trump loyalists are pissed, but not enough to storm the compound and physically remove the voting machines. For shits sake, they are already tell you that it’s time to go vote in Georgia even though there’s been no resolution as to weather or not we even have any electoral integrity. I have zero confidence that we actually have free and fair elections. I have zero confidence that we even have a functioning government rather than a corrupt banana republic. I have zero confidence that the comfortable American people even give 2 shits about it.

  3. Gregg Jarrett’s a flying asshole. I still remember his televised explanation of how a Bullet Button turns an AR into an automatic weapon.
    If you can’t dazzle them with brilliants, baffle them with bull shit.


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