Tom Hanks, Wife Rita Wilson Leave Hospital 5 Days After Coronavirus Diagnosis – IOTW Report

Tom Hanks, Wife Rita Wilson Leave Hospital 5 Days After Coronavirus Diagnosis

Breitbart: Hollywood star Tom Hanks, along with his wife Rita Wilson, have left a Queensland hospital and are now staying at a rented home in Australia five days after they announced they were diagnosed with the coronavirus.

People, which was the first outlet to report the news, said a representative for Hanks informed the publication that both Hanks and Wilson “remain under quarantine in their house.”

In his announcement for testing positive during his time working in Australia, Hanks said he is taking a “one-day-at-a-time approach” in dealing with the virus.

“Hello, folks. Rita and I are down here in Australia. We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too. To play things right, as is needed in the world right now, we were tested for the Coronavirus, and were found to be positive,” the Forrest Gump star wrote in an Instagram post. read more

18 Comments on Tom Hanks, Wife Rita Wilson Leave Hospital 5 Days After Coronavirus Diagnosis

  1. The scam of the ‘corona virus’ is that it is not different than any other illness spread through the world. This time, it’s being used to try to win and election and enslave us.

    Notice all the DEMOCRAT mayors across the country announcing they now have martial law power.

  2. “We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too. ”

    The horror of it, the horror.

    We need to panic, institute martial law and suspend the Constitution to deal with it.

    At least for the duration of the emergency, which could last many years if necessary.

  3. Oh thank God Tom is okay. Now I can get on with my miserable life as I shelter in place guarding my toilet paper and sanitizer stash.

    Found this little ditty on the Inter-Web the other day. Unfortunately, it’s probably more true ( not for me) than not. At least my Gun Nut Club range is still open.

    Two days without sports on T V
    Noticed a woman sitting next to me on the couch
    Says she’s my wife
    Seems nice

  4. Well shit.
    Add in a sore throat and the inability to stay awake for any longer than a few hours and I’m experiencing those symptoms right now along with my sister.

    So I’m just gonna rest and not do anything and I should get better in a few days… like any other cold/potential flu. 😶

  5. I have a dear dear friend who cannot go see his ailing wife in a nursing home right now.

    Glad you got through your harrowing ordeal with your overloaded Vegemite on toast you narcissist.

  6. …so, the conclusion we can draw from this is one of the following;

    1) Tom Hanks and his wife didn’t have it, and were just being Hollywood and faking it to try to gain some “moral superiority” to focus attacks on the President.

    2) Tom Hanks and his wife DID have it, but it’s evidently a lie about how lethal it is, OR how contagious is it, as they are out and about now and it hasn’t even been 2 weeks.

    3) Tom Hanks and his wife DID have it AND it’s as terrible as anything Steven King ever dreamed up, BUT Hollywood elites have access to cures that are not given to peasants.

    …so, which IS it, Tommy?

    …sorry, Tom Hanks and his ilk are my bellwether. Until an ELITE dies of it, it’s just sham and superstition…and even if they SAY an Elite dies of it, I wanna see the autopsy reports, and NOT from that POS “director of public health” in Ohio either who doesn’t even know the difference between 1,000 and 100,000, but goes ahead and exceeds her authority to illegally cancel elections anyway, or any of these OTHER liberal alleged “doctors” who think it’s OK to cut children’s penises off, or even kill them in the womb…

    …sorry, side rant. Anyway, Tommy, no sale. You’re a liar and a Democrat, but I repeat myself…

  7. Gad, I hate Hollywood. Now they’re all going to try to get it, so they can be actors acting brave with a f—king cold on instagram. I have no doubt some B-listers have their agents seeking out the most likely places to catch it.

  8. Here we go…

    “I’m lucky. I’m young. I probably won’t get too sick, & I can hang out in my apartment for two weeks. But my doctor told me yes, you almost certainly have it but nothing to do except quarantine myself & if it gets worse, like I literally CANNOT BREATHE, go to the hospital.”—Katie Hill, on twitter

    You already forgot who she was, didn’t you? Dammit, you will be made to remember!

    Here comes the PTSD and “Coronavirus survivors are like, literally, like, the soldiers of D-Day”

  9. @Supernightshade, I’m in Ohio and that stupid “director of public health” said on Sunday – if you get this you WILL be in ICU – not if you are in the ‘at risk’ group – but her words quite clearly said everyone who gets this is destined for ICU, 😱 create PANIC much?!? She’s an idiot.

  10. Well… I strongly suspect that in this family we already all had it. The kids are all military, constantly traveling and in mid-December converged at the Army-Navy game before heading off through a few more cities and ending up a week later home for Christmas.

    Two arrived saying they had the weirdest cold, but don’t worry, there doesn’t seem to be sneezing, just a bit of a scratchy throat and headache, then coughing, and not at all debilitating. Within a few days, I promptly got it. The others either didn’t or didn’t notice any symptoms. The originally afflicted were out running the next day. My cough and inability to clear the old smoker lungs lasted some weeks, but yes, without anything debilitating.

    I am hearing lots and lots of anecdotes that are similar.

  11. 1stgenAmerican
    MARCH 17, 2020 AT 10:11 AM
    …they had 4 in West Chester, OH, home of the West Chester Weeper himself, Barry’s butt buddy Bohener, and they “treated and released” no ICU needed…BEFORE Dr. Badlove told her Trump hating lies.

    …I really wonder if Ohio will EVER have a Republican Governor, we haven’t YET, seems like we never WILL, especially with Hamilton County blue now…

  12. She couldn’t stand being in the same room as that Cuck Forrest Gump.


    She was afraid that her Piece of shit son “Chet Haze” was robbing the houses back in the USA for drug money.

  13. Noblesse oblige. It’s their duty to set an example for the little poor people scurrying to get their meds and TP.

    Next year there will be a special award at the Oscars for Humblest, Most Modest Survivor of COVID-19, the Captain Trips of 2020.

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