Tom Perez says Dems have ’57 state strategy’ – IOTW Report

Tom Perez says Dems have ’57 state strategy’

Here we go again.

American Mirror: 

Well, it’s one less state than Barack Obama said he had visited when he was campaigning for president.

During a press conference in Utah today, Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez said the party has a “57 state strategy” for America.

A person could be heard guffawing in the background as he didn’t correct himself.

It’s not likely he’s including territories in his number, as there are five permanently inhabited territories, Washington, D.C., and 50 states, bringing it to a total of 56.

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21 Comments on Tom Perez says Dems have ’57 state strategy’

  1. Two bozos (Obama and Perez) using the exact same number has me donning my tin foil hat and wondering WTH is the end game with these communists. What could they have in the works to get us to 57 states?

  2. BTW, when is someone in the Conservative ranks going to call Democrats for this mind blowing piece of un-American stupidity

    Forty years ago, any five year old in kindergarten would have been required to sit in a corner wearing a dunce cap if he had said the US had 57 states

  3. A GIF of his DNC msNBC Flag drop karma shot,
    Pour on some 57 secret sauce .
    Their #Winning so well done.
    Sunday Show Signals, cooked Left, beyond distress.
    Go Maxine. Global Fracture.
    Le Pen moves to May 7.

  4. I’m busy sewing on 7 new stars on my flag. They don’t fit so well.

    Maybe democrats are confusing the nation for a certain variety of ketchup.

    7 new states?
    State of dementia

    There they are.

  5. Maybe he meant 57 failed progressive/socialist strategies to lose …. Hillary has used most of them…..It takes a tool to raise the democrat village of fools, users, abusers and losers.

  6. The fact that Obama got the number of states wrong back in 2008 was an early indicator that he was not an American – not born here, not raised here, not educated here.

    The Democrats KNOWINGLY perpetrated a fraud on the American public and every damn one of them should be sent to prison.

  7. This came to my attention as I was watching CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS., read about it in the New York Times & Washington Post… As is the case with all Liberal fuck ups, they were all tearing this guy a new ass over it, and deservedly so. Not quite as much as they did with Jeff Sessions comment re: Hawaii being an island in the Pacific, which we all know is in the Atlantic… While we’re at it, I have a barely used 4 lane suspension bridge that spans a scenic river in beautiful downtown Ramadi for sale if anyone’s interested…

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