Tom Price scandal leads to policy of White House having to approve travel – IOTW Report

Tom Price scandal leads to policy of White House having to approve travel

WaTimes: President Trump’s Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney sent a memo to agency heads, telling them the White House must approve travel following the resignation of Health and Human Services Secretary Thomas Price on Friday due to a scandal over the cost of his travel on private jets.

The White House said Mr. Price submitted his resignation Friday and President Trump accepted. That same day, Mr. Mulvaney sent the memo to executive branch leaders to remind them of travel policies, saying travel must be approved by the White House Chief of Staff and that more guidance on the approval process will be forthcoming.

“It was unfortunate what happened with Dr. Price, but what the president is telling everybody is: It’s not going to happen again,” Mr. Mulvaney said on “Fox News Sunday” about his memo.

The president will designate Don Wright as acting secretary; he is currently a deputy assistant secretary at HHS.

Earlier on Friday, Mr. Trump said he was “not happy” with the perception that his Cabinet member was wasting tax money on private jet flights. MORE

6 Comments on Tom Price scandal leads to policy of White House having to approve travel

  1. Paul Ryan said: “He (Price) was a leader in the House and a superb health secretary. His vision and hard work were vital to the House’s success passing our health care legislation.

    Just what success did Ryan and the House accomplish?
    Repeal? Replace? Lowering healthcare premiums? Increasing Healthcare providers? Eliminating penalties if you choose not to participate in obamacare? Free market Healthcare?

    Ryan has absolutely no successes on any issue from healthcare to funding the wall, immigration policy, cutting our debt, reducing waste, fraud and corruption.

    Ryan’s failed leadership, his progressive principles and obstruction of President Trump’s Agenda speaks volumes more than a FALSE sound bite.

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