Tom Steyer quits – IOTW Report

Tom Steyer quits

Tom Steyer, the California activist billionaire who has largely been a nonfactor in the Democratic primary campaign, dropped out of the race on Saturday night.

But last night, he was backing that ass up.

20 Comments on Tom Steyer quits

  1. We haven’t heard the last of this insufferable waste of air time. He will be back pushing for action on climate change and goddamned windmills and solar panels. Who knows, maybe another big media buy for another try at Impeachment. He’ll be back like a bad case of Coronavirus.

  2. Must be humiliating for a guy, who can buy anything he wants, to be schlonged by a worn out commie, a mental retard, a pathetic bullshitter, a zero accomplishment faggot, a billionaire who can’t sell ice in hell, and virtually worthless senator from Minnesota. Steyer must look up to Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee.

  3. Whatever or however useless this guy is, he’s the only one in EITHER party who rang the klaxon over “The Debt.”
    Unfunded liabilities are the secret time bomb of the Republic (and the pseudo-republics of Europe, Asia, and South America (nobody expects anything from Africa)).
    I won’t miss him and his statist, collectivist non-solutions won’t work anyway.

    izlamo delenda est …


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