Tom Steyer vows to raise minimum wage to $22 per hour if elected – IOTW Report

Tom Steyer vows to raise minimum wage to $22 per hour if elected

Of course, he will then triple your taxes through climate change.

FOX: Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer vowed to call for a $22 hourly minimum wage if he wins his longshot bid to unseat incumbent President Trump in November.

Steyer, a billionaire who founded investment company Farallon Capital Management in 1986 and sold it in 2012, is campaigning heavily on addressing climate change.

He made the announcement during a campaign block party on Sunday while campaigning in South Carolina, according to The Associated Press. Progressive candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have released competing plans to hike the minimum wage to $15 per hour. read more

25 Comments on Tom Steyer vows to raise minimum wage to $22 per hour if elected

  1. Imagine a self-described businessman who is ignorant of the market and what skills merit a $22.00/hr. wage.
    He’s so blatantly pandering to illiterate millies whose basic skill set can’t give you the right change. No blooming idjit, the one who throws the most money at something doesn’t necessarily win it – this is not an auction.
    I want to see debate as a tag team event; Trump vs the Democrat Hucksters, one at a time or all at once, he’ll kill ’em.

  2. This guys such a buffoon. He has a radio add running here in Cali about how him and his wife discovered that the vegetables in school lunches weren’t fresh, so thy jumped in and fixed the problem. WTF?
    I can imagine the two of them waking up one morning and deciding they should probably check the freshness of vegetables for the childrens.
    Define fresh. I mean were they rotten? A day old? Two days old? Right off the vine?
    You’d need to be a complete and total moron to take that add seriously.

  3. $15 an hour is about $30k per year; $22 an hour is about $44k a year. In most urban areas, even minimally experienced workers earn at least this. In So Cal, you can’t live on this level of income. Even in rural areas, these are not unduly high levels of income – although the cost of living is much less.

    So who are the progressives targeting? Entry level workers with no education or experience, and perhaps disabled individuals whose abilities are limited. People who need to get their feet on the ladder before they can start to climb.

    These minimum wages primarily benefit the technology industry and the underground economy. At $30k per year, it is both easier and less expensive to automate a function performed by a minimum wage employee than increase the level of wages. Virtually every new fast food joint I have been in over the past few years now relies heavily on ordering kiosks. Grocery stores and big box stores like Walmart are installing more and more self-check out stands. Even restaurants have table side computers to pay the tab. Incidentally, once I got used to this technology, I found it easier than giving an order to a clerk or waiting in line to check out.

    As seems to be typical for progressive “reforms,” they primarily hurt the people these folks pretend to be concerned about. McDonalds’ work force may be enthused about these higher minimum wages, but even the most dense worker gets a little concerned when the technology starts being installed.

  4. Tom Steyer…
    Can pay a starting wage of $300.00 per hour if he wants,
    That does not make it economically feasible for anybody else.
    He probably pays nowhere near that, it just is not smart.

  5. Now do China Tommy. Walter E Williams and Thomas Sowell will tell you, the minimum wage should be zero. Employers will raise what they are willing to pay until people are willing to work for that wage.

  6. Even a dope like Steyer must know that
    raising the minimum wage sets off an
    inflationary spiral which does not profit
    minimum wage people because everything costs
    proportionately more.

    It also punishes the middle class by reducing
    the purchasing power of their money.

    It brutally destroys the quality of life
    for those on fixed incomes, such as
    pensioneers who have no way to avoid
    a reduced standard of living.

    Steyer is offering ” pie in the sky ”
    nonsense and he knows it.

  7. REmployers will have to make up for the new wage’s. Expect $10+ gallons of milk, loaves of bread, cartons of eggs, etc. These people are trying to buy elections. I always thought bribery was illegal let alone immoral. Trump promised to fix things and won on that message. Democrats problem is that the things he had to fix were their messes. Leaves them nothing to run on.

  8. I’ll say it again:

    REAL MINIMUM WAGE IS $0.00/HR. If you have no job (which is what you will end up with if you don’t have $22/hr. skills), your hourly wage is $0.00/hr.


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