Tommy Vietor on Benghazi: ‘Dude…That Was Two Years Ago’ – IOTW Report

Tommy Vietor on Benghazi: ‘Dude…That Was Two Years Ago’

This is what we have in the Obama Administration – disrespectful douche’ bags!

Update: Dianny’s take – frilliant

30 Comments on Tommy Vietor on Benghazi: ‘Dude…That Was Two Years Ago’

  1. Just wait until all these tools that “work” in this administration suddenly find themselves without a job. Will they suddenly realize that they’ve all been FIRED?

  2. Dude, you’re an unsufferable little twit. And dude, four people were murdered. And dude, your boss campaigned on having put their murderers “on the run”. And dude, you covered up the facts.

    Stick your insolent attiDUDE up your ass!

  3. Same talking points, different verbage. Dead bodies, still dead.
    “At this point, what difference does it make?” =
    “dude…that was two years ago”.

    Moral of the story; being expendible will get you killed/murdered. Mr Vietor ought to be afraid, very, very afraid. Will not be the least bit suprised someday, to learn that little Tommy had a fatal “accident” or commited “suicide” (you know, the kind where the guy shoots himself in the back of the head, 3 times; very determined attempt).

  4. You have a point there Jeff. Tommy “beta male” Dudette is getting the “what difference does it make” message across to the younger lofos.

    Maybe Jon Stewart will pick it up and run with it.

  5. Even this little troglodyte makes a good point.

    The Tea Party should be blasting the fat lazy GOP bastards for taking TWO FRIGGIN YEARS (and counting) to get to what the rest of us could see from the beginning.

    The heat should have been on immediately and constantly from 9/11/12. Candy Crowley should be on bread and water rations on a MS chain gang.

  6. I have to wonder if the little asswipe was one of the McCoy brothers – you know, the “real” McCoy, for those of you who know the story – and changed his name…

  7. Now I know what happened to the yokel who appeared in those Dell Computer commercials from the ’90s–
    “Dude, I’m now working in the White House!”

  8. Dianny,
    I have a girl-crush on you! Especially your proficiency with graphics. I can’t hold a candle to you, but I’m learning. Us cranky bitches have to keep Stirrin the BS!

  9. Dude….
    Ya know….
    As if….

    Crutch phrases for lazy, limp-brained speakers.

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