Tomorrow a UK Judge Rules Over Extradition of Julian Assange to the US – Or Will President Trump Pardon Him First? – IOTW Report

Tomorrow a UK Judge Rules Over Extradition of Julian Assange to the US – Or Will President Trump Pardon Him First?

GP: Tomorrow in the UK a judge will hold a hearing regarding Julian Assange’s extradition to the US.  Will President Trump pardon Assange first?

Bloomberg reports:

A U.K. judge will rule Monday on whether WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be extradited to the U.S. to face criminal charges after weeks of talk about a possible pardon from Donald Trump.

The decision from a London judge will come after President Trump, whose administration brought the charges, issued a plethora of pardons to political allies. And lawyers say the odds of clemency from Trump are better than a judge buying Assange’s arguments that his human rights will be trampled on in America.

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8 Comments on Tomorrow a UK Judge Rules Over Extradition of Julian Assange to the US – Or Will President Trump Pardon Him First?

  1. I understand why people want him to be let free, but he did put classified information out for the world. I accept that most of it does not matter, or maybe acceptable to most people. I disagree with letting him off. We can disagree.

  2. Any punishment he deserved has already been rendered by the barbaric treatment for these several years now. If he isn’t given a pardon {and used as an asset} they’ll see to it that he dies in custody along with any secrets he holds.

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