TONIGHT! 8:00pm – The U.S. & Eh?! Show – Call in #323 870-3371 – IOTW Report

TONIGHT! 8:00pm – The U.S. & Eh?! Show – Call in #323 870-3371

The U.S. & Eh?! Show with @Mr_Pinko and @MikeNordstrom3
Set your alarm. Call in #323 870-3371 – 8:00pm – 10:00pm

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43 Comments on TONIGHT! 8:00pm – The U.S. & Eh?! Show – Call in #323 870-3371

  1. I know that the Biden-Ukraine will come up. Most of us knew about Biden’s braggioso months ago caught on tape that he blackmailed Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was on the scent of Hunter Biden. But at the time we were reserved to realize that the liberal media would not report on it. Now months later, they create this fake news whistleblower story accusing Trump of a very similar thing. Cover up or a take-down of Biden by the left? The latter would require 3-D chess, which I am not sure if which the media is capable.

  2. I’d like to hear from you guys and your callers their thoughts on how everyone thinks this (the Left and their stuff) in America is going to end. Serious thoughts only, please.

  3. @Abigail, from the founding through today, that question has always been asked. Our founders had created what I call an “elastic” republic and placed it in our Constitution. There are three things that make me say “no” to your question:

    1. The left started in 1787.
    2. There are ebbs and flows in a democratic republic. We are in a short flow, after a long ebb.
    3. I believe in God. And God has blessed us just like Isreal. We won, starting from the Revolutionary War to WWII by the skin of our teeth. And many wars in between. It just can’t be coincidence. And I am talking wars fought by the US on the side if the Bible.

    The question is perhaps you’re asking is have we forsaken God? I pray not.

  4. I disagree, Mr. P. Nothing stays the same, ever. We’ve got a lot of conservative kids coming up. Look at the tsunami of support for #WalkAway, #Blexit, Candace and Charlie/TPUSA and TPUK, etc. Look at all the Democrats in deep blue voting districts who are switching over to vote Republican in the GE. On top of which, the Left will definitely overplay their awful hand and do something that will require a swift response from normal Americans. What do you think that will be? These are crazy, crazy people we’re talking about — completely untethered from reality and it’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen in this country before.

  5. Someone needs to point-out that the Republicans and Dems are the same thing. What we have is the illusion of representation. NOTHING is going to happen to ANYONE… membership has it’s privileges.
    There will be NO CONSEQUENCES for BIDEN, HITLERY, King Silky Pimp etc… because they’re all on the same team.

  6. Meerkat — No, not the same at all. We’ve never been so completely and irreconcilably split like we are today. In times past, the cuckoos on the Left were extremely fringe — the anti-Americans, the anti-Christians. Even with the most extreme difference in views, Americans still respected each others’ belief in God. Even as recent as the 2007 GE, the candidates (including oblowme) were not in favor of gay marriage. Now gay marriage almost seems tame compared to 57 genders and gender identities and counting. In the 70’s the Left had to create a fake scenario to get abortion through the SCOTUS and now we’re arguing over “post-birth abortion (murder of innocents)”.

    Yeah, it’s going to end, but what will that look like? It will be impossible to maintain our Republic under the Constitution and accommodate the Left.

  7. @Abigail, the “elastic” has stretched through our Civil War. Are you saying it is stretched beyond that? Also people want to stop protesting and become loving parents after their youth.

  8. AA, the “irreconcilably split” in this country may not be as vast as it seems. The loud-mouth left, propped up by the Swamp Media, may be organized well, but I doubt they have the numbers to prevail in the coming civil war (a shooting war or a cultural war).

    My thought is in line with your comment above: ” Look at the tsunami of support for #WalkAway, #Blexit, Candace and Charlie/TPUSA and TPUK, etc.” I think we will win the cultural war when the upcoming generation reject the idiocy of the left.

    At least, that’s my hope.

  9. Mike, is your press looking into the spy that you have had at the top of your gov’t? That sold out not only your country but ours as well.
    He was helping the chicoms for 20 years like our Senator’s driver was.

  10. Meerkat — Well, the CW is a good example, really, of how the “elastic” didn’t stretch at all. The fight was between those who wanted to stretch the bounds of something that had been intended from the first, that all men are created equal. The Republicans (conservatives), as you know, were not going gentle into that Democrat’s good night.

    And as for people suddenly waking up to their responsibilities, it is a lot of people’s hope that with a robust economy that has plenty of living wage jobs, the parasites living off the rest of us and engaging in the behaviors that go along with that, will be forced to become more socially responsible. Right now, for example, there is a 40% shortfall of labor for the commercial construction industry in this country right now.

  11. Claudia — (wish we could have this conversation in real time) I agree with some of what you say, but there are some very important issues that separate the two sides irreconcilably. For example, conservatives will never capitulate (nor should we) on the abortion issue and the Left will never compromise their position (they’ve continued to drag it further and further left in an attempt to make the Right cry “uncle.”) The Left, now, is not content with gay rights (if they ever were, right?); now they want transgender and kinky sex ed, first in our public schools and now in our churches. They aren’t content with equal rights, they want superior (unconstitutional) rights. The Left has turned all social safety nets into hammocks — especially for illegal aliens. I consider these few areas to be truly incompatible with our Republic. They require an even larger gov’t than we already have and with each new gov’t involvement, the citizen forfeits their unalienable rights.

  12. I know many will not like it, but we have to admit it that the schools are lost, just look at the display from Greta and her followers, they have all, and I mean all have been brain washed.


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