TONIGHT! LIVE! 8:00pm EST U.S. & Eh?! Show w/ @MikeNorstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko – Call in #323 870-3371 – IOTW Report

TONIGHT! LIVE! 8:00pm EST U.S. & Eh?! Show w/ @MikeNorstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko – Call in #323 870-3371

TONIGHT – Monday June 3rd, 2019
U.S. & Eh?! Show with @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko – Call in #323 870-3371 – 8:00pm – 10:00pm

* President Trump visits the U.K.


* “Impeach 45” or he will get RE-ELECTED

* Screw Facebook/Twitter – JOIN

Call in #323 870-3371

Follow @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3


About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
DEPLORABLE - FOLLOWED by the BEST on TWITTER and GAB. Making Liberal Heads Explode One Empty Skull at a Time! Check out

22 Comments on TONIGHT! LIVE! 8:00pm EST U.S. & Eh?! Show w/ @MikeNorstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko – Call in #323 870-3371

  1. Russia, Russia, Russia has become Barr Barr Barr! You go A.G. Bill Barr! We’ve bought the popcorn, just let us know when to start the popping! 😁

  2. How about touching on the Dr. Drew prediction on the pandemic for this summer.

    Could get real ugly fast as they let the homeless use the airport to sleep in…

  3. Hey Pinko,

    I had to change my DNS settings yesterday and it seems that they are blocking Blog talk Radio. I need to check this out. But I am calling in just to listen. But put me on if you like.

  4. LISTEN: PHELIM McALEER Discussed A D.C. Theater Backing Out Of Showing His Strzok-Page Play
    Posted on May 30, 2019

    INTERVIEW — PHELIM McALEER – writer and filmmaker

    D.C. Theater Backs Out of Hosting Phelim McAleer’s FBI Play Over “Threats of Violence.” The conservative journalist-turned filmmaker set the performance of ‘FBI Lovebirds: Undercovers’ in mid-June at the Mead Theatre in Washington and was intending to film it before a live audience of 218 people. Seven days after it was announced that a stage play about two FBI agents making disparaging remarks about President Donald Trump was in the works, the theater set to host the production canceled, citing “threats of violence.”

  5. Mead Theatre
    Their Seat Cushions are PLUSH.
    They don’t want StarBucks Patrons even with a separate entrance that can be used concurrently with Mead Theatre. A condo and office tower adjoins the theatres and it includes a marvelous restaurant.

  6. So, how do you think The First Lady looked today.
    A hit or a miss? The left hates her for looking too good.
    Just got home,and might have missed the opening.


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