Tonight! The U.S. & Eh?! Show with @Mr_Pinko & @ MikeNordstrom3 – IOTW Report

Tonight! The U.S. & Eh?! Show with @Mr_Pinko & @ MikeNordstrom3

TONIGHT! FRIDAY June 21, 2019 – The LONGEST DAY of the YEAR. Summer begins.

The U.S. & Eh?! Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko

Call in #323 870-3371 – 8:00pm – 10:00pm


About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
DEPLORABLE - FOLLOWED by the BEST on TWITTER and GAB. Making Liberal Heads Explode One Empty Skull at a Time! Check out

27 Comments on Tonight! The U.S. & Eh?! Show with @Mr_Pinko & @ MikeNordstrom3

  1. Multi-tasking – I’m listening while I catch up on iOTWr. I have to read something more than once because I’m listening to you guys and don’t even know what I ‘read’! I need to stop trying to read and just listen! 😉

    But I can do some sewing while listening!

  2. In the Bible, it says that it is not what you put into your mouth that will hurt you, it is what comes out of your mouth.
    I could probably find chapter and verse, but that is the essence of it.

  3. Don’t forget to tell everyone vote and sign up to be a volunteer for P.Trump. It is never to early. You know me I will not let this go. Every vote counts and we will need every one of them because the Dems will cheat bigly.

  4. Claudia — Alistair Begg is my favorite radio minister and I listen to TFL daily. If we ever get out to Cleveland, Parkside is our destination. 🙂

    Do you also listen to the annual Basics conference? So good.

  5. Mr. Pinko. You only been to 40 states?
    Damn, I’ve been to all 57. And I still have 2 to go, Alaska and Hawaii.
    Good, to hear y’all with Joe Dan and Abigail.
    Happy Birthday Bro.

  6. I’ve followed Alistair Begg for quite some time and he has spoken at several conferences that I have attended. He falls into the the same Biblical/non-denominational line as my home church. Also has a great sense of humor. Nationally, while many liberal Christian churches/denominations are shrinking, conservative Biblical churches are growing. That is a good sign!

  7. Sent Joe Dan a Happy Birthday PayPal donation. Gotta keep his contribution to the cause going. It is so unique. Every time I watch one of his videos and it ends I’m thinking damn! Over already! Then realize it was actually 20 minutes long!


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