Tonight’s Soothiness by Mary Jane Anklestraps – IOTW Report

Tonight’s Soothiness by Mary Jane Anklestraps

37 Comments on Tonight’s Soothiness by Mary Jane Anklestraps

  1. I hope I’m not stating the obvious, but I’m picking up a strange vibe with some of the comments.

    “Shreds” means someone has overdubbed their concert footage and intentionally put in crap.
    It’s supposed to be funny.


    Don’t know if this post is supposed to be sarcasm or not.

    If your twenties were lived in the Hall and Oates era every band had some individual contribution and nearly every song was aimed at the heart.

    Hall and Oates were masterful and soulful. No two white guys have had, and maybe never will have the heartfelt harmonies these two guys were capable of (see my added videos). The IOTW video is a horrible example of their work. Read on and see why most of the comments are way off base.

    Here is a better version.

    (THIS IS 40 YEARS AGO!) Hall and Oates are simply singing (as they always did) about relationships. Unless you guys are superman with diamond-hard testicles, a cunning woman (and even a good-hearted gracious one) can chew you up and spit you out faster than you can grab your nuts and yell ouch.

    In Maneater they sing about women who use you, drop you, and never care.

    I lost my first love during that era and couldn’t understand why. I was a jerk – much like some of the commenters here, and when she left it was way too late to change, and even though she didn’t want to go, she had to, because I just didn’t understand who she was and what I had. I was blind and she was gone.

    This song said it all:

    Hall and Oates were the white voices of the human soul of that generation who were not afraid to show emotion and ask for forgiveness:

    The person who was gone was Sara. She was a one-of-a-kind human blessing with a smile that lit up a sunny room.

    They say the good die young.

    Sara was a flight attendant out of L.A. who flew with United Airlines on quick turnarounds to Las Vegas. I was bartending in Manhattan Beach to pay for all my flight licenses in Los Angeles when I met her. She was precious and a light in everyone’s life. She got terminal cancer and at her deathbed she asked me to pray for her. I should have asked her to pray for me. She was the angel.

    Again, she’s gone:

    I hope you change your mind about Hall and Oates.

  3. Oh for fuck’s sakes Alphamail.
    It’s a fucking satirical video. There are THOUSANDS of these made of every group imaginable. Even MOZART!
    Take the stick out and have some fucking fun already.

  4. I bought one of their first albums before they were well known, in a discount rack, and loved it. Still can sing Good Night and Good Morning. Also picked up 2 of Jimmy Webb’s albums for 99 cents each. Still have them.

  5. Oh for fuck’s sakes Mary Jane Anklestraps…!

    My first sentence stated I wasn’t sure if it was sarcasm (or satire) or not. So I tossed in some good songs and a couple memories.

    A simple “Yo, it was satire,” would have worked.

    Telling me to get the stick out and have some fucking fun is bitchy and crass and shows you’re actually a prick at heart.

    Won’t be reading your entries anymore.

  6. Mary Jane Anklestraps

    It’s seldom I backtrack so far to comment but in your case I’ll make an exception.

    There was absolutely no reason for you to be such a snobbish asshole.

    I admitted I didn’t catch the sarcasm, which I would like to feel is rare on my part – but maybe not, but you frothed at the mouth and suddenly I have something up my butt and I have no fucking sense of humor.

    Who in the fuck are you to be so fucking nasty? Are you this much of a prick in your normal conversations with people when not covered by internet anonymity? Does no one in your life get any slack? I can only assume you’re the same kind of perfect asshole in all your relationships.

    IOTW is a greatly humorous and creative website of the conservative-type, but your vitriolic criticism and cheap-ass dig is so liberal in tone and context (for zero reasons) it exposes your sickness, which is the new common virus sweeping America. That is, my way or the FN highway.

    You may vote conservative but you are the egocentric liberal modern day prick who castigates any and all who would contradict your self-appointed phony elevation and relentless bile.

    You will never admit it, because you are a person who is NEVER wrong, but you and your stilted pretense is the number one reason America is devolving.

    You are an empty suit with no faith and no God and you are simpler to read than a kindergarten primer. Now I’m a sweetie pie and princess. Fine, but you’re still a callow shallow pompous prick who is better than anyone else you know.

    God you’re easy to read.

  7. That was one thee absolute funniest fucking videos I have EVER SEEN!!! LOLOL!!!

    So damn clever, it’s almost better than the real thing! HAHAHAAAA!!! MJA, these should be tonight’s soothiness every night! I’ve got to hear the Mozart one.

  8. Snowball the Sourpuss

    I agree with you. I got totally bufooned on the original go-around and actually interpreted it as H & O. I f’d up BT.

    The second and third time were hilarious. I checked You Tube and found a couple more. Awesome. Good call.

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