Too brown to win? That’s what California Democrats actually told one of their own candidates – IOTW Report

Too brown to win? That’s what California Democrats actually told one of their own candidates

American Thinker: It’s make or break time for the Democrats in California’s crowded “jungle primary,” with only the top two candidates in June’s primary today making it to the ballot in November.

By all accounts, Democrats are running scared.

In the Orange County race to challenge Rep. Dana Rohrabacher for his seat, they’ve got too many candidates running, and with too much money, so the likely result will be a split of leftists’ votes, leaving Democrats with the prospect of two Republicans on the ballot for the November midterms.  That’s panic time, all right, at least for them.

Democrats are famous for muscling their own candidates into a single party line.  But who would have guessed they have actually sought to pare down that crowded plate by telling one of their candidates he’s too brown to win?

Seriously, that happened.  It’s what Democrats reportedly told one of their own candidates, a moderate Reaganite Democrat named Omar Siddiqui, to get him out of there.  more here

12 Comments on Too brown to win? That’s what California Democrats actually told one of their own candidates

  1. What on Earth is the point of being a Reaganite democrat in California? The California democratic party is for all intents and purposes a bunch of communist motherfuckers.

  2. Well they got their Dem, although a second Republican only missed by 1,200 votes.

    I’m excited that Cox came in second for governor. Of course Allen would be far better, but I see an outside chance for Cox to beat the extremist views of Gavin Newsom.

  3. LCD
    Everyone I know, except for two, voted for Allen. Including the wife and I. I’m certain all those voters will consolidate behind Cox. That would take him to about 37%. Let’s hope the gas prices keep going up.

  4. They meant: Wrong kind of Brown. Its the age of the Mulatto not the WOG (Worthy Oriental Gentlemen).
    The Left doesn’t need representation for those who don’t live on assistance

  5. BB “Let’s hope the gas prices keep going up.” Let’s hope people wake up to what a s-hole the demrats have turned Calif into. (I can dream, can’t I?)
    Instead of elections we should be holding hangings.

  6. @TheMule June 6, 2018 at 10:51 am

    “The California democratic party is for all intents and purposes a bunch of communist motherfuckers.”

    The California democratic party is a bunch of communist great-grandchild molsters.


  7. LOL! Obama proved that nobody is “too brown to win” an election in the USA. That’s asinine. However…this guy might just have been too Muslim to win…I sure wouldn’t vote for a Muslim. Call me a bigot if you like…but it’s not about that. At this point in time, I can’t trust their loyalty.


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