Too Cute For Words – IOTW Report

16 Comments on Too Cute For Words

  1. That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! Thank you!

    It must be a daily occurence; none of the animals inside or outside are upset by it. πŸ˜πŸ’—πŸ’ž

  2. When the apocalypse hits, farmers will be the last to starve.

    Get that kid a red MAGA hat, you know damn well that family will vote Trump.

    And somebody should tell him he drives like a female, all over the road.

  3. What a wonderful video. Brought me to tears of joy. The compassion, love and respect that very young man gave the animals he is responsible for is so incredible. The animals gladly obeyed. Just how God intended.

    It’s so uplifting to see a normal child who has a solid moral foundation. A Godly, traditional family must have raise this boy to be such an outstanding human being.


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